2-20-07, 1:00 pm
Gabcast! Poltical Affairs #2 - Bush's Censors Scientists on Global Warming
Bush Censors Scientists on Global Warming; Kentucky House of Representatives Calls for Passage of National Health Insurance Act; Workers Call for Passage of Pro-union Law
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Bush administration officials are censoring top scientists on global warming. This is part of an effort to deceive the public about its effects and to block policies aimed at controlling it, reports Nidia Diaz of Granma International.
According to Diaz, scientists who work for major US agencies report that their findings were changed, or that the warnings stemming from their research were minimized in order to limit public understanding of the problem.
One NASA scientist, who led a team in 2004 to study ozone depletion, told a congressional panel recently that his team's work had 'clear implications both for the debate on global warming and for potential sea-level rise.'
But when the team attempted to release their findings at a press conference, they were informed that White House political appointees – not scientists – would review the material and their findings were delayed. Appointees insisted on being present at all such press conferences and at individual interviews with the press.
The Bush administration's censorship of scientific studies on global warming is linked to its rejection of international efforts, such as the Kyoto Protocol, to control greenhouse gas emissions. Other such administration roadblocks include its rejection of recent findings of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which emphasized that humans are responsible for global warming.
Some argue that White House environmental policy is strongly influenced by its ties to major oil companies such as ExxonMobil which is currently funding efforts to counter the scientific consensus on global warming.
(in other stories)
On February 7th the House of Representatives of the Kentucky General Assembly passed a resolution calling on Congress to enact H.R. 676, the National Health Insurance Act.
H.R. 676, introduced by Rep. John Conyers (D-MI), would implement a single payer plan to provide universal health insurance coverage.
Kentucky is the first state to issue such a strong endorsement.
The resolution, sponsored by Rep. Joni L. Jenkins, was adopted by voice vote without dissent.
In Kentucky approximately 582,000 people go without health insurance. More than 46 million people nationwide lack any insurance, and tens of millions more have inadequate coverage, according to health care advocates.
In nearly 100 cities across the country, during this week's congressional recess, people will call on their lawmakers to end the unfair process that denies workers the freedom to join unions and to bargain for better wages, benefits and working conditions.
Union members, their families and supporters are speaking out in support of the Employee Free Choice Act (H.R. 800), currently pending in Congress.
Check out to find out more about the bill and about local actions in support of it.
The bipartisan bill is co-sponsored by 233 members of the US House of Representatives.
The legislation would protect the right to join a union by:
1) Establishing stronger penalties for unfair labor practices and violations of employee rights, 2) Providing mediation and arbitration for first-contract disputes, and 3) Allowing employees to form unions by signing union membership cards.
Find out more about these and other stories at PoliticalAffairs.net. Also, scroll down our take action column to find out how you can call on your congressional representatives to support the National Health Insurance Act (H.R. 676) and the Employee Free Choice Act.