Below is my comment on the following quotation from:
INSURGENT ANTHROPOLOGIES: THEORIZING WISCONSIN there may be a significant contingent of the non-white middle class, that believes, along with Barack Obama and Bill Cosby, that the United States has largely become a “post-racial” country, the lived experience of the majority of African Americans, Latinos, and other oppressed minorities tells us a different story. What establishes the basis for recognition of real common material interests is the fact that the white working class, the old labor aristocracy, has largely been decimated, and has also experienced, albeit to a lesser degree, declining material conditions during a time with capitalist elites are richer and more powerful than ever.
On this point, it is important for white activists to try to point out the following to white workers in general and in Wisconsin, Michigan etc. specifically: The Tea Party's origin was fueled critically by its white supremacist attacks on Obama. The Tea/Republican Party surge in the November 2010 elections consequently was rooted in white supremacist activism. The Tea/Republican Party attacks on the working class as a whole, including white workers in majority in Wisconsin, Michigan et al, therefore got its turbo boost from white supremacy. White workers ultimately are victimized by white supremacy. This is a fundamental dynamic throughout US history. The trick of white supremacy on white workers is the main trick used against them by the US ruling class. As Karl Marx said in Capital (Volume I, Chapter 10, Section 7, pg.329 ) "Labour cannot emancipate itself in the white skin where in the black it is branded."
It is important to understand that though he is Black, Obama cannot speak like a Jesse Jackson or Black activist ,and be re-elected. White voters in their majority will not listen to criticisms of white supremacy from a Black person, and they would of course punish Obama by dis-electing of him if he speaks honestly about white supremacy. Recall his distancing himself from his own minister during the campaign. The issue of white supremacy coming back to bite white workers must be raised by white people. Obama must say that the Tea Party is not white supremacist; in other words, he must tell a falsehood in order to avoid being punished by the majority of white's whose are sadly lacking in their consciousness of what is white supremacy and how it manifests today. The anti-O white supremacy – Tea Party election win – Wisconsin/Michigan attack on the working class by the TP causal chain is an opportunity to raise the mass white consciousness on how white supremacy hurts white workers.