Correa Triumphs in Ecuador
Ecuadorian President, Rafael Correa, was re-elected yesterday with an impressive 51.7 percent of the vote, in a large field, to serve another term as head of state.
Cuba Announces Preventive Measures against Swine Flu
HAVANA, Cuba, April 27 (acn) Cuba´s Health Ministry issued a press release on Monday announcing a package of preventive measures following the presence of the Influenza A virus subtype H1N1 in Mexico and in other countries.

Whither Obama on Cuba?
During his campaign and now in his first 100 days as president, Barack Obama has claimed a close affinity with the iconography and idealism of President John F. Kennedy and his family.
Venezuela Expands Outlets for Denunciations of Violence Against Women
Merida, April 23rd 2009 (Venezuelanlaysis.com) - Since the Law on the Right of Women to a Life Free of Violence was passed in 2007, the number of denunciations of violence against women has tripled in Venezuela, as women become more aware of their rights and have more access to the courts.
The Summit and the Lie
Some of the things [Nicaraguan President] Daniel [Ortega] told me would be difficult to believe if they weren’t being told by him and if they weren’t happening at a Summit of the Americas.

Obama Tries to Clean US Image at Summit of the Americas
HAVANA, Cuba, April 18 (acn) US President Barack Obama asked participants at the Summit of the Americas not to keep blaming his country for all the problems facing the western hemisphere, in times when a current global economic crisis emerged in the North is threatening the nations of the region.

Washington Must Compensate Cuba for Damages, says Evo Morales
HAVANA, Cuba, April 16 (acn) – Bolivian President Evo Morales said that US President Barack Obama has the moral and ethical obligation to compensate Cuba for the damages caused by previous US administrations, in reference to the nearly-50-year US economic blockade on the Caribbean nation.
Large Majority of Americans Favor Friendship with Cuba, Poll Finds
About seven in 10 Americans favor new diplomatic relations with Cuba and eliminating the most egregious parts of the US embargo against that island country, according to the results of a recent survey released this week by WorldPublicOpinion.org.
Rights Advocates Praise Obama's Cuba Order, Call for 'Travel for All'
In an effort designed to promote 'democracy and human rights' in Cuba, the White House April 13 lifted a number of restrictions imposed on travel and trade with the island nation imposed by the Bush administration.
De Punta del Este a Puerto España
Hace algunos días falleció en La Habana, a la edad de 91 años, Carlos Lechuga, una de las figuras cimeras del periodismo y la diplomacia cubana. Era un consagrado periodista cuando se incorporó a las filas clandestinas del Movimiento revolucionario 26 de Julio.