We Can Recover Prosperity With New Vision of Economy
The present global financial crisis is more than an “economic downturn” or an economic depression. It signals the coming of a new age. Astounding technological advances in production, communication and transportation have driven the capitalist system to the verge of moral and financial bankruptcy.

The Financial Bailouts: Secrets, Lies and Democracy
It is a step forward that the Obama administration plans to lift some of the secrecy surrounding US war crimes committed under the Bush administration. Those crimes include secrecy and lies, which violate the foundations of democracy.

Activists Protest Wachovia Bank over Foreclosures
ATLANTA - A coalition of labor and progressive activists protested at the Wachovia bank in Midtown Atlanta, at the corner of 10th and Peachtree, from 10am to 1130am, on Tuesday, April 21, 2009.
Light at the End of the Unemployment Line? (April 23)
As steam from President Obama's economic stimulus plan builds in the states and localities and new investments in infrastructure and job-saving programs start to flow, do the latest data from the Department of Labor suggest that the dismal unemployment situation may be turning a corner?
African Americans and the Economic Crisis
Biden was quite out front about it. On the same day the newspapers were trumpeting the news that President Obama had felt a 'glimmer of hope' in the economic situation, the Vice-President was telling CNN that we can expect unemployment to increase each month for the rest of the year.
No Hoax: Pass Employee Free Choice Act To Revive Economy
Americans are paying big time now for decades of buying into a hoax. And it wasn't sub-prime mortgages. It was the conservative contention that government is evil and inept.

Obama Administration Unveils 'Smart Grid' Plan
As part the economic stimulus package, Vice President Joe Biden presented a $4 billion plan this week in Jefferson City, Missouri to fund the construction of a new 'smart' electrical grid.
Light at the End of the Unemployment Line? (April 16th)
As steam from President Obama's economic stimulus plan builds in the states and new investments in infrastructure and job-saving programs start to flow, do the latest data from the Department of Labor suggest that the dismal unemployment situation may be turning a corner?
Economic stimulus: Full speed ahead
When most people think of President Obama's economic stimulus package, they think of new federal investments for infrastructure projects like building roads, renovating bridges, reconstructing railways or re-paving airport runways. But there is more to it than that.
Are We Making the Best of the Crisis?
If you have some extra money, it may be time to sidle up to the table and get yourself some assets. President Obama and others have said that the “profit ratios are now such that it may be time to invest.”