Veiled ode to George Bush deleted from Pakistani textbooks
At first sight it is little more than a poetic polemic about the virtues of an effective leader. But a poem has been removed from school textbooks in Pakistan after it became clear that the first letter of each line spelt out 'President George W Bush'.
Press Statement- Central Committee of Iraqi Communist Party: Cowardly Terrorist Attack
The forces of obscurantism and terror that carried out this crime are deeply hostile to our Party and scared by its prestige and consistent struggle for the prosperity of people and freedom! g2057 of the homeland
One US Base Less In The World
The Government of Uzbekistan has kicked the US Air Force out from its base in that country...The US claimed that the base was necessary to conduct its 'war against terrorism' in Afghanistan.
Cindy Sheehan: Audit Me!
George Bush and his lying bunch of criminal neocons deceived the world into an illegal and immoral invasion of a country that was no threat to the USA. My oldest, dearest son is dead because of their lies. Give me back Casey and I'll pay your damn taxes.
SUDAN: Gender-based violence still rampant in Darfur, say aid agencies
An important impediment to the effective prosecution of perpetrators is a mandatory form...women are required to fill out in the event of a rape before being attended to by police or medical personnel.Aid workers said the sensitive nature of GBV makes women reluctant to fill in the form. Many of them therefore do not report the crime or receive timely medical treatment.
It’s Time to Restore Human Rights for America’s Workers: Out Front With John Sweeny
The White House and congressional leadership could not be doing a better job of enriching the wealthy while picking the pockets of working families and the poor. They’re trying to cut $50 billion from such critical programs as Medicaid, health care, student loans ...
GABON: Police clash with protesters in wake of Bongo re-election
Residents of the Gabonese capital, Libreville, awoke to a city teeming with security forces on Friday, one day after police clashed with crowds protesting the election that put Africa’s longest-serving leader in power for another seven years.
Cuba´s Revolutionary Armed Forces: FAR, 49 Years Defending Cuba
Cuba´s Revolutionary Armed Forces, born after the Granma yacht landed in 1956 with Fidel Castro and 81 combatants on board to start the Cuban Revolution, are celebrating Friday their 49th anniversary.
Seven Major Problems Associated with Global Warming
Warmer sea water means there is more energy to power hurricanes, and the computer-predicted increase in such 'extreme events' with global warming seems to be coming true.

Resistance to Global Capitalism Demands Unity
We believe the main direction of the current century continues to be that of the transition from capitalism to socialism. The appearance of the first socialist state, the struggles and gains of the working class and its allies, the achievements of socialism, the spread of revolutionary ideology and the defeat of European fascism were monumental accomplishments of the past century.