
War Against Reason: The 'Intelligent Design' Scam

In November 2005, the first significant legal challenge involving the so-called 'Intelligent Design' [ID] theory of creationism wrapped up in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Court arguments in Kitzmiller et al. v. Dover Area School District lasted 22 days, and involved a challenge by 11 parents who oppose the teaching of 'intelligent design' (ID), a 'lite' variation of the same old creationism theory that has been constitutionally excluded from the public schools since 1987.

Intelligent Design Promotes Religion, says Judge

In a major victory for parents who want their children to learn science in science classes and religion doctrine in their homes, churches, mosques, or synagogues, a federal court ruled this past Tuesday that Dover, Pennsylvania schools could not teach the concept of 'intelligent design.'

God, Credit, and Social Welfare: Capitalism Gone Mad

Governments that aid corporations and private wealth while at the same time undermining or dismantling programs, including research based programs that provide general education and public services are in effect robbing the people to subsidize the capitalist class.

The Border Is a Common Ground between Us

The House of Representatives has just passed HR 4437, by Wisconsin Republican James Sensenbrenner, incredibly with the votes of over 30 Democrats. It is the most repressive immigration bill in decades, and would deprive immigrants of important due process rights, divide families, criminalize undocumented status, and drive those without papers even further underground.

Capitalism Kills #3: Case Studies In An Immoral System- Merck and Vioxx, plus the new bankruptcy law

The free enterprise system, aka the free market,aka capitalism, is an economic system, as we all know, that is dedicated to maximizing profits at any cost. Neither ethics, morality, honor, environmental concerns, nor human life itself will be spared by this system and its quest to put profits before people (and everything else).

Homeless Veterans: An Ongoing National and Local Disgrace

According to many contemporaneous media sources, there are almost 300,000 homeless veterans in the United States who are living on the streets or in shelters. The Department of Veterans Affairs has estimated that “more than 299,000 veterans are homeless on any given night; more than 500,000 experience homelessness over the course of a year.”

It's Time for Fair Taxes, not GOP Pandering to the Ultra Rich

Once again Republican congressional leaders are attempting to push through enormous tax cuts for the rich, while leveling social benefits.

Pharmacists Can’t Say No to Contraception

The retailer Target recently announced that it would allow pharmacists at its stores to refuse to fill prescriptions for emergency contraception (EC), if dispensing it would violate their religious beliefs.