
Ward Connerly’s Payback

Ward Connerly has tried to end affirmative action programs in California. On February 16, Connerly received a payback for that and his more recent work: $250,000 from the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation.

Lenin on Anti-Semitism

Anti-Semitism means spreading enmity towards the Jews.


More like Lincoln than Lenin

President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela is pushing full speed ahead with land reform, an issue that has been one of the most divisive and perennially debated topics in Latin America.

Iraq: A Dangerous Place for Trade Unionists

raq is an increasingly dangerous place for trade unionists, said the ICFTU today as it condemned the latest murder of the Iraqi labour leader Ali Hassan Abd.

Rafiq Hariri's Assassination: Who Benefits?

Rafiq Hariri, Lebanon's five-times prime minister and billionaire tycoon was assassinated in a huge bomb blast in Beirut last Monday, February 14. A number of others were killed or wounded in the blast that left a trail of carnage and devastation.


Movie Review: Hotel Rwanda, A political and personal tragedy

In 1994, after the assassination of the country's leader Juvenal Habyarimana, the long-simmering hostility of the Hutus for their fellow Rwandans, the Tutsi, boiled over into a bloody genocide.


China’s Burgeoning Role in Latin America—a Threat to the U.S.?

Beijing aims to expand trade ties with Latin America in order to sate its growing energy demands.

Japanese Communists Condemn Nuclear Proliferation

President Bush in his fiscal 2006 budget requested money to develop the so-called Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator (RNEP), including inert-bomb tests.


HATE, the terrorist we can stop

AIDS is a disease we can manage, control and prevent. But we have not mostly because of people who hate.

Korean Women's Voices for Peace

Korean women, who have been hoping to see Korea become a land of peace, without war and weapons, and who have long worked for the peaceful reunification of Korea, are very concerned about the declaration that North Korea has nuclear weapons.

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