
No German Flowers for Bush

his time George Bush is not visiting Berlin. His last visit here in 2002 resulted in an unfriendly demonstration of close to 100,000 people from all over Germany.


The Digital Watch Effect and the Loss of American Democracy

Last week, Time magazine reported that 36% of American High School students believe that newspapers should have government approval before publishing stories.


Bush Visits Europe: Ready for more wars

US diplomats and George W Bush's apologists on this side of the Atlantic try to portray the US president's visit to Europe as a bridge-building exercise.


Darfur: The Time to Act is Now

SOAT calls on the United Nations Security Council to speedily endorse the recommendations embodied in the International Commission of Inquiry report on Darfur and to immediately act on its findings.

The Paradoxes of Iraq's Election

Iraq's elections, at once a defeat and a victory, the vehicle of both honour and shame, for Iraq, the US, the Arabs, exhibited all the paradoxes of globalised liberalism.


A Salvador Option for Iraq

The designation of John Negroponte as the first director of national intelligence recalls the Central American wars of the 1980s.


Fed chief says privatize Social Security to boost class equity

Greenspan backs Bush’s plan for Social Security privatization, but will this bring about 'class equity?' His record on what 'class equity' is is questionable.

James McMurtry and the Heartless Bastards

James McMurtry and his backup band, the Heartless Bastards, with another guitarist and drummer, started their set at a new music venue in Brooklyn, SouthPaw.


Remembrance of Things Past: Marcuse 1961

Now that the Soviet Union has past into history many people are writing books and articles trying to explain what happened. Perhaps some books written before the event are more enlightening then many written after it.


Capitalism Gone Mad: On Science and Democracy

At the national meeting last weekend of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, speaker after speaker condemned the Bush administration for reducing funding for both basic research and science information.

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