Bush's abuse of 'liberty' in Iraq
The Bush administration without a United Nations Security Council resolution invaded Iraq on the pretext that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction.
The Macabre Death of Hadi Saleh
I had few tombs in my memory in exile; upon my return to Baghdad, they developed into a massive cemetery. The last new grave was that of my friend and colleague, the unionist, Hadi Saleh.
Iraq War Veteran Explains Opposition to War
Having watched and observed life from the standpoint of a soldier for ten years of my life, I always felt there was no higher honor than to serve my country.
Veterans Protest Iraqi War at Harvard
Two veterans of the ongoing Iraq war addressed 150 people in the Science Center [Harvard University] Friday, criticizing the purpose and progress of the war.
Time to Bring the Troops Home
Citing soaring costs in lives and tax dollars, lawmakers, peace leaders and military families demanded that President George W. Bush bring the troops home from Iraq.
Iraqis Are Not Mascots; the Iraq Elections in Context
For most commentators, the Iraq elections have played roughly the same role as Safia Taleb al-Suhail. A stunning triumph for Bush’s policy of democracy promotion.
Iraqis Voted Because They Want U.S. Troops Out
The fact that millions of Iraqis turned out to vote has led many here to conclude that George W. Bush was right to invade Iraq. What an odd conclusion.
Statements on the Iraqi election
Statement by the People's Unity list in Iraq sends optimistic message, despite irregularities, about the possibility for sovereignty and peace in Iraq. Also remarks by the French Communist Party.
The U.S. Supreme Court is AWOL on Iraq
In 1973, a post-Vietnam War Congress wanted to ensure that no future president could send troops into battle without just cause and congressional oversight.
Book Review – Iraq and the International Oil System
In this book Stephen Pelletiere has written a history of the development of the oil industry focusing on its international development most notably with regard to Iraq.