The Wal-Mart Health Care Crisis
Why did a recent opinion poll show that a large majority believes that 'Wal-Mart is bad for America'?
Living Wage Laws Work
Since the mid-1990s, living wage supporters have campaigned for local laws requiring firms to pay their employees wages above the minimum wage when they do government business or receive public subsidies.
Sweat Shop Workers Tour US Colleges
If unionizing a Mexican factory seems like a victory, what about this one? Workers at a factory in El Salvador own a majority stake in the factory and work with no managers.
New Zealand: SuperSizeMyPay.Com campaign
Over 1,000 fast food workers and their supporters filled the Auckland Town Hall on February 12, to give added impetus to the campaign and to other low paid workers campaigns.

Hotel Workers Announce National Campaign
Hotel workers announce the kickoff of a national campaign to negotiate new contracts with the largest hotel chains in cities throughout the US in 2006.
Right-wing Lobbyist Initiates Misleading Anti-union Campaign
Who is Richard Berman, and why does he hate labor unions so much?
Bush Administration Ignored Coal Mine Safety Issues
In the last month 16 coal miners have died in West Virginia.
The battle began last June when a young woman came to Parkdale Community Legal Services claiming that $8000 of her wages went unpaid.
Bush's Budget: Deadly Priorities
To pay for the increase in military spending, Bush has proposed potentially devastating cuts in funding to already under-funded social services.
Bush Mine Appointee Rejects Stronger Safety Rules
The two deaths bring to 18 the total number of coal miners killed in the nation since the first of the year. A Jan. 3 explosion killed 12 miners and two others died in a Jan. 20 underground fire.