Huge March Planned for Eve of Katrina Evictions
A march had been planned for February 28, the eve of the scheduled March 1 evictions of Hurricane Katrina victims.
Solve the energy crisis – put people before profits
Prices for gasoline and diesel fuel, heating oil and natural gas have soared in the past four years, and rocketed to new highs in the last year, undermining the living standards of working people.
Medicare for All is a Real Solution
Bush’s staff complained yesterday that his big healthcare announcement at Wendy’s Headquarters in Ohio went largely unnoticed because of Vice President Chaney’s shooting incident. It was probably just as well because he didn’t have much to say.
Congress Betrays Both the People and the Constitution
On Feb 1, Congress voted to drastically reduce income, food, education, and medicine for US youth, infants, elders, caregivers, and people with disabilities.
Defeat Republican Anti-immigrant Bill
Last December, the House of Representatives passed anti-immigrant HR 4437...It would make all undocumented workers felons, as well as those who help or work with them including teachers, clergy, union leaders, social workers and family members.
'Dead-eye' Cheney and the Hunting Party
Cheney apparently wounded an upper class Texas Republican lawyer who broke 'protocol' by approaching him from behind during the hunt as he was rotating to kill the quail.
Federal Food Policy
Attempting to define what USDA considers “organic” is like trying to figure out which lie George W. Bush told last -- it is a difficult, if not impossible task.
Massachusetts: Health Care Amendment
The Health Care Constitutional Amendment is receiving growing support as more and more groups see it as an essential foundation for real reform.
Bush's Budget: Deadly Priorities
To pay for the increase in military spending, Bush has proposed potentially devastating cuts in funding to already under-funded social services.
Inequality and War
Ending the extreme inequality of wealth and well-being in the United States would end the war in Iraq.