Army Drops Reporter Subpoena, then Invasion Objector Wins Mistrial
The US military has dropped the controversial subpoenas of two journalists, independent journalist Sarah Olson, who interviewed Lt. Ehren Watada for Truthout.org, and Gregg Kakesako of the Honolulu Star-Bulletin, after Watada signed a stipulation agreement with the military.

Implications of Bush's request for record-high military expenditure
The 716.5-billion-U.S.-dollar military budget requested from Congress by U.S. President George W. Bush earlier this week has set new records and raised many eyebrows both at home and abroad.

David Hicks’ Guantánamo hell: “I am not well, I am not OK”
The full horror of the abuse of David Hicks at the US concentration camp at Guantánamo is becoming clear to the Australian public. Last week, more details were added.

Christian Fascism: The Jesus Gestapo of St. Orwell
New York Times reporter, Chris Hedges, has written an extraordinary book, American Fascism: The Christian Right And The War On America.

New Ft. Dietrick 'Biodefense' Lab may be a Bush Germ Warfare Effort
Although no foreign power has threatened a bioterror attack against America, since 9/11 the Bush administration has allocated a stunning $43-billion to 'defend' against one. Critics are now saying, however, Bush's newest 'biodefense' initiative is both offensive and illegal.

Atlanta Peace Activists Storm DC
Hundreds of Metro Atlantans traveled to Washington, DC, last weekend to join an estimated 500,000 others for a march and rally on January 27, 2007, to end the US Invasion of Iraq and bring the troops home now.

How a Bill Becomes a Signing Statement
At the House Judiciary Committee hearings on Bush's use of signing statements on Wednesday, two exchanges at the end were quite revealing.

Lt. Watada prosecutors surrender on journalist subpoenas
Army prosecutors of Lieutenant Ehren Watada, the first military officer to publicly refuse to deploy to Iraq, surrendered today on two charges of “conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman.”