

Airline overcapacity, profitability and society

I read in my daily paper about overcapacity in the airline industry. There are more airline seats than buyers. Mr. Supply outstrips Mr. Demand.

British communists urge Labor Party win, defeat of Blair

We cannot call for support for these members of the War Cabinet most closely associated with the brutal, unprovoked attack on the sovereign people of Iraq.

Bush Sworn In; Thousands Protest

On assuming his second mandate today, Emperor George W. Bush launched a new crusade: 'to bring an end to tyranny' around the world.

Torture at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba – Made in USA

More than 500 prisoners caught during the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have been illegally flown into occupied Cuban territory, tortured and humiliated without the least concern from the UN Human Rights Commission.


Dr. King’s Advice to the Washington Wizards

Like Michael Corleone, just when I thought I was done rooting for them, the Washington Wizards pulled me back in.

Bush's Lackluster Relations with Latin America to Continue

Yesterday Bush began his second term and there seems little hope for improved ties between Washington and Latin America.

Blair has no influence on Bush agenda

Tony Blair has deluded himself into thinking he has any influence over the policy agenda of the Bush administration.

Gay Marriage: Too Much, Too Early?

Equal rights activists of all sexual orientations have surely asked themselves, 'Was gay marriage asking for too much?' Perhaps it was.

Bush's Inaugural Fantasies

It has been said that George W. Bush is in denial of reality, in Iraq and elsewhere. But what of America itself?

Rumsfeld Cancels Germany Trip Amid Human Rights Accusations

US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld cancelled a visit to Germany after a human rights organisation asked German authorities to prosecute him.

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