
US Soldier Refuses Service; Dutch to Withdraw

Another US service member refuses to return to Iraq because of his revulsion at the destruction of Iraq's civilian population. Dutch government orders troop withdrawal by March.

Palestinians: London Conference in Vain

What is the use of rehabilitating the Palestinian people and building democratic structures as long as Israel strips the state of its sovereignty, annexes parts of it and violates its capital?


Call For a Return of the Lousiana Purchase

Our organization, the Louisiana Purchase Return Committee has been formed to facilitate the return of the Louisiana Purchase to its rightful owner France.

Japan's Military Budget a Tool of Bush's War Machine

The draft budget causes serious concerns not only because of the amount but because the Self-Defense Forces will be transformed into armed forces that exist mainly for overseas deployment.

US Plans for a Greater Middle East

While their is a long history of US-led military intrventions, since 2001, the invented concepts of 'axis of evil' has been a cover for the US' right to interfere anywhere it wants.

Asian Tsunami: Science and Devlopment

THE death toll from the tsunami that hit south-east and south Asia on December 26, 2004, has officially crossed 150,000 and is quite likely to cross the 200,000 mark.


Wal-Mart: Low-Low Prices, Crushing Impact

As the nation's largest private employer, Wal-Mart sets the standard for wages, benefits and prices wherever it goes, and it has gone nearly everywhere.

Wal-mart PR Campaign Glosses Over Reality

Wal-Mart rolled out a slick, nationwide public relations campaign aimed at defusing negative facts that have been reported about the company.

Tsuanami disaster shows that the planet can no longer afford capitalism

The tsunami disaster that hit the countries bordering the Indian Ocean caused widespread devastation, with more than 150,000 people dead, thousands injured, and still many thousands missing, most probably dead.

For Social Security, Stability or Volatility?

I wonder what President Bush’s plan to change the Social Security system with private accounts for younger workers means for businesses nationwide?

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