
Bush Aims to Destroy Social Security, not Reform It

After years of laying the groundwork, Bush is sharpening his ax and preparing to mount a campaign for the final blow – the destruction of Social Security!

The IMF and the Future of Iraq

In forgiving portions of Iraq's foreign debt, the Paris Club imposed conditions on any future Iraqi government that would tie that country's economy to 'free-market fundamentalism.'

US troop deaths in Iraq total 1,350

The number of US soldiers killed during the 21 months of the war on Iraq reached 1,350 today after another nine troops died in resistance actions.

Social Security Privatization a Blow to Retirees

Bush has already demonstrated that he is willing to install programs and carry out policies that are opposed by most Americans. Social Security privatization is no different.

Cancel the Inauguration Parties

It would be an impressive sign to the world that America is capable of compassion and empathy if the President were to cancel the inaugural excess and add the tens of millions to the relief fund for the victims of the tsunami disaster.

Attorney General Nominee Gonzales Faces Senate

Civil rights organizations demand that the US Senate examine closely Alberto Gonzales' record on the prisoner abuse scandal and the formation of the administration's overall civil rights agenda.

UN still mobilizing tsunami aid

With funds amounting to close to $2 billion, the UN is continuing its efforts to mobilize international aid for the countries affected by the terrible seaquake in the Indian Ocean.

SACP Tribute to Joe Slovo

In the early hours of 6 January 1995, that hero of our revolution, Cde Joe Slovo, passed away after a long battle with cancer. This year we are commemorating the 10th anniversary of that sad day.

Resistance to Imperialist Aggressiveness

Humanity as a whole faces the ascending aggressiveness of the US imperialism, which takes manifold forms: political, economic and military throughout all continents.

Globalisation as an Episode In The Strategy of Imperialism

Are the basic features of Lenin's theory of imperialism still valid today, despite the fact that they have been imbued with a new content which has modified them?

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