
A Year on the Edge of Sports and War

2004 should be remembered as a year when the hermetically sealed divide between sports and society frayed for the first time in a generation.

IFTU Condemns Wave of Terror Against Iraqi Workers

The Iraqi Federation of Trade Unions reported further attacks on its members on the railway line between Basra and Nasiriyyah and on union offices in Baghdad.

Resistance to Imperialist Aggressiveness

The Philippines government, an original member of the 'Coalition of the Greedy,' supported the war against Iraq in the hope of profiting from the post-invasion restructuring of its economy.

Money for Aid, not for war

Bush's stingy response in providing aid for the disaster in South Asia compares unfavorably with his rush to war in Iraq. We know where his priorities lie.


A Preview of Jared Diamond's 'Collapse'

Anthropologist Jared Diamond offeres some thoughts on why societies don't survive in his latest book. Their ruling classes do not concern themselves with the consequences of their own excesses.

From Iraq: The New Year Seen From In Country

An anonymous soldier writes about his New Year's resolution from Iraq. Who are we fighting for, he asks.


Bush's Ideology is a Threat to Your Health

The Bush administration's opposition to the science of HIV/AIDS prevention and its anti-choice ideology could get more people killed.

Top Ten War Profiteers of 2004

Bush's corporate partners are enjoying higher rates of profit because of his war on Iraq.

Experts Call for More Use of Condoms

China promotes the distribution of condoms in the battle against AIDS.

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