Michael Moore Takes on CNN's Errors
I bet you thought my dust-up with Wolf Blitzer was just a cool ratings coup, that you really wouldn't have to correct the false statements you made about 'Sicko.' I bet you thought I was just going to go quietly away.

Visioning a Better US at the United States Social Forum
The United States Social Forum was held in Atlanta, Georgia on June 27-July1, 2007. A diverse group of over ten thousand people came for the first ever Forum of it’s kind held in the United States.

Congressional Antiwar Efforts and the Role of the Peace Movement
Seven out of 10 Americans want most of the troops home from Iraq by April 2008. And a measure being debated in the Senate could make that possible, according to a recent USA Today poll.

Guantanamo and the Semantics of Terror
On June 29, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear whether Guantanamo detainees may use habeas corpus to challenge their detentions in federal courts, a right they heretofore have been denied.

Troy Davis Supporters Deliver Letters to Parole Board
Supporters of death row inmate Troy Anthony Davis held a press conference Tuesday at the 'Sloppy' Floyd Administration Building where the Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles is headquartered.

Bush to Block Children's Health Care
According to various media reports, the Bush administration is fighting to block a Democratic proposal to expand the State Children's Health Insurance Program (S-CHIP), a federal program that provides health care insurance to low-income families for their children.

Under Pressure from the Brass, Court Martial to Reconvene for War Resister
On Friday, a pretrial hearing was held at Fort Lewis in the U.S. Army's second attempt to court-martial Lt. Ehren Watada for refusing to deploy to Iraq in June 2006. Lt. Watada continues to argue that the Iraq war is illegal under U.S. and international law.

Executive Privilege a la Bush
The Bush administration is claiming “executive privilege” in denying Congress the right to subpoena two former White House political advisers (including Harriet Miers) to testify under oath in Congress's attempt to investigate the firing of nine federal prosecutors.

Fighting Extremism Over There, So It Can Flourish Over Here?
Over sixty years after World War II has ended, the United States has once again undertaken a global endeavor. This time, to eradicate fanatical Islamic terrorists who are bent on destroying freedom and democracy.

Georgia May Execute Innocent Man in 9 Days
In nine days, on July 17, 2007, Georgia may execute an innocent man, after both State and Federal Courts refused to hear the recanted testimony of 7 out of 9 witnesses in his case,.