
Iraqi Campaign for a Democratic Constitution Launched in London

The setting up of the “Iraqi Committee for Democratic Constitution” is aimed at active participation by all Iraqi democrats, of all tendencies and affiliations, in writing the permanent constitution in Iraq, and lobby support for a number of principles...

Iraq: Bush’s Land of Make-Believe

'Why do Bush & Co. so adamantly believe that things are improving in Iraq even as the insurgency’s “lethality” improves and casualties continue to mount? ...Maybe they think that if they keep saying, “We’re winning in Iraq,” it will come true. Well, Bush & Co. have been advertising victory in Iraq since before we invaded and yet here we are, over two years later.'

More Iraq War Lies: Chair of Republican Party Put at a Loss by Downing Street Minutes

On June 5, 2005, Ken Mehlman, Chairman of the Republican Party, was asked about the Downing Street Minutes on 'NBC News’ Meet the Press.'


Teach-In on War Turns to Demand for Truth

It seems likely to me that forcing a public discussion of the lies that started the war, and of the resolution of inquiry into impeachment that they justify, will fundamentally change what counts as acceptable to say out-loud. Once the I word (impeachment) is commonly associated with the war, ending the war might just become less of a taboo.


When is Someone Going to Toss Rumsfeld into a Cage?

At the end of the day Friday, the Pentagon confirmed a pattern of widespread abuse of the Muslim holy book, the Quran, by military personnel dating back two and a half years. Releasing the report when most beat reporters have left for the weekend was a calculated move by White House and Pentagon


Dying in Iraq is not a career choice

Completely unknown to these young people, and never discussed by recruiters, is the fact that of the 580,000 U.S. troops who served in the six-week 1991 Gulf War, 11,000 are now dead, and by the year 2000, 325,000 were on permanent medical disability from the depleted uranium weaponry and the many other toxic and horrifying conditions they were exposed to.


Media Black Out Downing Street Minutes

While the meeting recorded in these minutes occurred on July 23, 2002, months before President Bush submitted his resolution on Iraq to the United States Congress, and months before Bush and Blair asked the United Nations to resume its inspections for alleged weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, the minutes make clear that Bush had decided to overthrow Iraqi President Saddam Hussein by launching a war...

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