Study: Ending the Cuba Blockade would Benefit US
The elimination of the economic, commercial and financial US blockade on Cuba could generate 100 thousand workplaces and additional earnings for six billion dollars in the United States, says a study revealed here...Last April more than 30 important companies, state agencies and business groups announced the creation of a coalition in the US to counter the blockade against Cuba.
Red face for Blair
The British Prime Minister’s slavish support is appreciated by the Bush administration, but it is not crucial and it is not seen as having to be paid for. Rather, it is viewed as the president’s due...President Bush has no deep interest in, or commitment to, Africa.
[Bolivia's crisis & the 35th OAS General Assembly:] 'Looking Back on Fort Lauderdale'
'As repeated presentations at the OAS General Assembly made clear, people are becoming frustrated that democracy is not delivering the promised development results. With an overall poverty rate of 62.4 percent and a rural poverty rate of 79.2 percent, it is perhaps not surprising that Bolivians are taking to the streets to press for some indication of rapid improvements in their daily lives.'

'Meager' African Aid is Insulting – 100% Debt Cancellation Needed
Yesterday’s announcement of a proposal for a small increase in humanitarian assistance to African countries by the Bush administration ahead of the G-8 weekend meeting was met with harsh criticism by observers of Bush’s policy toward African countries...Critics of Bush’s aid increase proposal described it as 'disingenuous.'

Former Army Sec Thomas White Wants Gov’t Funding for Energy Project
According to the watchdog group Public Citizen, White and his business partners are trying to secure funding for a project to produce energy from coal in Wyoming, specifically, “a $2.8 billion coal gasification project in Medicine Bow, Wyoming...Interestingly, though, there’s not a single reference to White’s tenure at Enron on his bio. Instead, White’s bio states that he “has 11 years experience in energy markets.”
So what’s he hiding?
Judicial Nomination: The Problems with William Pryor
A coalition of faith-based organizations, civil rights, and even one Republican Party affiliated group are calling for opposition to seating William Pryor on the US Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit. “Mr. Pryor repeatedly has exhibited that he is far outside of the mainstream of American jurisprudence.”

Iraqi Activists Call for A Democratic Constitution
A campaign to promote writing a permanent democratic constitution in Iraq, laying the basis for a modern Iraqi state based on the rule of law and institutions, was launched at a meeting attended by about 120 Iraqi democrats earlier this month at the Kufa Gallery in London.
More on Iraq War Lies: A Close Reading of FoxSpeak
FoxSpeak is a term that describes chatter from the ultra-right 'news' channel owned by the Fox network. David Swanson provides a play-by-play running commentary of an exchange with Brit Humes, conservative talking head, and guests.
The Rotting San Francisco 49ers
' Every sports fan in the Bay Area who doesn’t share the idea that homelessness, Gay rights, and Asian minstrelsy are punch lines has an obligation to stand up. Let the team know that they may be named the 49ers, but this ain’t 1849.'

The Book Round Up #2: Previews & Notes on New Works
PA Book Reviewer Thomas Riggins, also reviews the book reviews. His 'Round Up' series offers insight on recently published books and critical comments. He reminds us.
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