Book Review: The Race Beat
The gripping drama of the skillfully written narrative in The Race Beat by Gene Roberts and Hank Klibanoff reveals a generally untold angle of the civil rights movement: the press that covered it. Roberts is a veteran of the New York Times cadre of civil rights reporters, and Klibanoff is a Southern reporter.
Missouri Defeats Deceptive Anti-Affirmative Action Ballot Initiative
Missouri Jobs with Justice, working as part of the broader WE CAN coalition, won a tremendous victory when the deceptively named Missouri 'Civil Rights' Initiative failed to turn in signatures which would have placed a constitutional ban on affirmative action on the November ballot.
Barack Obama to be Named One of America's 'Fittest Guys'
Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama will appear on Men's Fitness magazine's annual top 25 fittest guys in America list, which will appear on newsstands Monday May 19th.
Veterans Call for Bush Impeachment
One of the country's largest antiwar veterans organizations asked Rep. John Conyers (D-MI), chair of the House Judiciary Committee, this week to meet to discuss pursuing impeachment proceedings against George W. Bush.
Antiwar Movement Applauds House Vote Against Additional War Funding
New York, NY -- In an amazing turn of events, the House of Representatives May 15 voted AGAINST the supplemental funding for the war in Iraq.
Steelworkers Endorse Obama, Pledge to Expose the Real McCain
Describing John McCain simply as a 'Bush sequel' and Republican Party campaign tactics as 'divisive' and 'destructive,' a May 12th statement issued by the International Executive Board of the United Steelworkers (USW) called for the unity of working people to defeat the Republicans in the November 4th elections.
Labor, Civil Rights Groups Applaud Calif. Gay Marriage Decision
In a decision that may advance the political movement for marriage equality, the California State Supreme Court voted May 15 to overturn a state ban on gay marriage. Labor and civil rights organizations immediately praised the court decision and the courage of the couples and families who brought the suit to the state's highest court.
Gaza: Grave dearth of medical supplies and lifesaving treatments
The health situation in the Gaza Strip has been steadily deteriorating since Israel tightened its siege on the area in June 2007, following Hamas’ forceful takeover.
Venezuela: Data Found on Captured Laptops Planted
Venezuela’s record clearly shows that it is a country that neither tolerates nor supports terrorism. However, since 2006, the U.S. State Department has certified Venezuela as “not cooperating fully” with anti-terror efforts.
Pride at Work: Calif. Court Rules for Marriage Equality
WASHINGTON, DC- In a huge step forward for fairness and equality, California's Supreme Court ruled today that the state could not deny LGBT couples the right to marry.