It's Time for a New Deal
Prominent New Dealer, Rexford Guy Tugwell, author of The Battle for Democracy, was a 'brain truster' or policy advisor to Franklin D. Roosevelt and served under Department of Agriculture Secretary Henry A. Wallace. Tugwell was typical of the “new people” who had come to Washington in 1933 with Roosevelt’s election.
Are We Losing Winter?
The effects of global warming manifest themselves differently in different locations, and winter is no doubt getting shorter and warmer across New England, the Canadian Maritimes and Northern Europe.
John McCain's Vets Problem
John McCain refused last week to show up in the US Senate to vote on the 21st Century GI Bill, which passed by a veto-proof majority. Both he and his campaign surrogates admit that the Arizona Senator opposed the bill as being too generous and potentially harming Pentagon retention efforts.
Some Good News about the Environment
It seems like the day isn’t complete until I’ve heard some bad news about the environment. From shrinking polar ice caps to mass extinction, the picture looks grim, and I can’t help but feel demoralized at times.
Republican Hypocrisy on LGBT Rights is Light Years Behind Cuba
As civil rights activists in the US prepare to defend the recent landmark California State Supreme Court ruling overturning a state ban on gay marriage against a Republican Party-led backlash, Cuba is launching a campaign to combat homophobia in that island country.
Energy, Global Warming and Development
It can be argued that increased use of electricity does not automatically mean a proportionate increase in CO2 emission. However, if we look at our current energy options, there is little doubt that fossil fuels will continue to dominate the energy scenario, at least in the near and medium terms.
Greening the College Campus
Microcosms of the world at large, college campuses are great test beds for environmental change, and many students are working hard to get their administrations to take positive action.

McCain endorses health care rip-off
TAMPA, Fla. — Arizona Sen. John McCain, the Republican presidential nominee, unveiled his health care plan at the Moffitt Cancer Center here April 29, calling for private health savings accounts.
Labor Says No to Housing Cuts
NEW YORK - Trade unionists, housing activists, and residents of New York City public housing gathered at City Hall today to protest the Bush administration's proposed budget cuts to the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA).
McCain, Clinton Out of Touch on Gas Tax
If you don't support a gas tax holiday as the solution to high energy costs and economic woes then you're 'out of touch' with ordinary working people, Hillary Clinton and John McCain recently claimed.