Movie Review: Iron Man
Marvel comics have a history of conscripting the help of superheroes during a war. They called up Captain America in 1941 to fight the nazis and Iron Man in 1963 to help them against the communists.
Japan: Suicide Rate for SDF Veterans of Iraq War Higher than U.S. Troops
The Ministry of Defense has revealed that a Ground Self-Defense Force member committed suicide early last year, bringing the total number of suicides by GSDF personnel after returning home following their Iraqi mission to eight.
Remembering the Iraq War's Pollyanna pundits
Weeks after the invasion of Iraq began, Fox News Channel host Brit Hume delivered a scathing speech critiquing the media's supposedly pessimistic assessment of the Iraq War.
Shia Militias Attack Aid Convoys in Baghdad Suburb
BAGHDAD, 1 May 2008 (IRIN) - Government officials and residents of Baghdad's mainly Shia district of Sadr City on 30 April accused pro-Moqtada al-Sadr militiamen of attacking aid convoys and closing down schools.
US Fomenting War in Nicaragua, says President Ortega
Managua, May 1 (Prensa Latina) Nicaragua President Daniel Ortega denounced the war against his government by the United States through its embassy in Managua.
The Bush Administration's Imperialist Arrogance
The temerity of US imperialism’s advise to India on how it should deal with the visit of Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, to New Delhi on April 29 reconfirms, if such reconfirmation was ever necessary, that the USA seeks to deal with India as its “subordinate ally.”
Cuba Sets Record for Tourism in 1st Quarter of 2008
One million tourists visited Cuba in the first quarter of 2008, and did so in record time, 22 days earlier than in 2007, officials announced at a celebration on Tuesday at the Compay Segundo Salon in the Hotel Nacional.
The Bomb Squads: How to Survive a Gaza Refugee Camp
We waited breathless. Breathing heavily was hazardous under these somewhat exceptional circumstances. The army, my father often advised, was sensitive to the slightest movements or sounds, including a whisper, a cough, or God forbid, a sneeze.
'We are Workers, not Criminals'
In the big immigrant marches that swept the country on May Day in 2006 and 2007, one sign said it all: 'We are Workers, not Criminals!' Often it was held in the calloused hands of men and women who looked as though they'd just come from work in a factory, cleaning an office building, or picking grapes.
Labor Says No to Housing Cuts
NEW YORK - Trade unionists, housing activists, and residents of New York City public housing gathered at City Hall today to protest the Bush administration's proposed budget cuts to the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA).