

Democrats Reject Bush's Flip-flop on Iraq War Standards

Democrats are crying foul over the Bush administration's shifting standards for progress in the Iraq war. While the Bush administration, since the summer of 2006, had pushed for a set of 'benchmarks' to measure success in Iraq, the White House now seems prepared to ignore independent analysis of those benchmarks.


Canada: War Resisters' Campaign Needs Help

Since George Bush's announcement that troop numbers in Iraq would increase, the trickle of American war resisters seeking sanctuary in Canada has become a steady stream.


India: Stop Military Collaboration With America

The nuclear deal, the military agreement and the economic policies designed to advance the interests of US capital are parts of the trio which are harmful for India’s sovereignty, independent foreign policy and the people’s economic interests.


Atlanta Activists Hold Public Forum on Grady Hospital

The New Grady Coalition hosted “The People’s Forum” on Tuesday, September 04, 2007, to rally concerned citizens and Grady Health System employees against plans to privatize the system and to raise awareness of the need for additional funding.


Iraq Intelligence as Public Relations

The latest unclassified portions of the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE), authored by the Director of National Intelligence office and released in August, appears to have been constructed in a manner that supports the Bush administration's public relations efforts to continue the occupation of Iraq.


Canada: Fifty-two Important Reasons to Drive Out Harper's Tories

As the Harper Conservatives shuffle the deck and polish their image in preparation for a federal election (or perhaps hoping to stave off a trip to the polls), People's Voice wants to remind Canadians why it's so crucial to drive the Tories out of office.


Soap that Makes You Dirty

University of Michigan researchers reviewed numerous studies conducted between 1980 and 2006 and concluded that antibacterial soaps that contain triclosan as the main active ingredient are no better at preventing infections than plain soaps.


Larry Craig and Sex Scandals

Having once wrote a short article on sex scandals in U.S. political history during the very low farce of the Clinton impeachment in the late 1990s (my most important point was that all of the prominent figures in presidential politics who were targets of such attacks from Thomas Jefferson to William Jefferson Clinton ended up winning elections).


The Leninist Heritage of the Socialist Market Economy

Just as China's socialist market economy is today dismissed by many in academia and the bourgeois press as a return to capitalism, it is important to recall that Lenin too faced similar criticism during the early years of Soviet power.


Iraq, Progress, and the Last Throes of Civil War

In April 2005, just weeks before Vice President Dick Cheney infamously announced to Larry King that the insurgency in Iraq was in its 'last throes,' 52 Americans were killed. Last month, the 8th month of the troop 'surge,' 85 Americans were killed, and more than 1,800 Iraqis were killed in ongoing sectarian violence.

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