Can there still be any question that President Bush
is a coward? Is there still any question that not
only is Bush a coward, but that he doesn't give two
shakes about the thousands of men and women he has
sent off to die, be mutilated, or be psychologically
Any such questions should be put firmly to rest by
the story of Cindy Sheehan. On April 4, 2004, Cindy's
son, Casey, died while ridding the world of Saddam's
WMD, or liberating the oppressed Iraqis, or bringing
peace and stability to the Middle East, or whatever
lie the Bush administration happened to be telling at
the time to justify their arrogant and short-sighted
decision to thrust the U.S. into a wholly unnecessary
and irresponsible war. In short, Casey died because
his Commander in Chief, our dear President, sent him
off to war.
Now, a little more than a year after her son's death,
Cindy wants answers. She wants to know why her son had
to die. She wants to know why we invaded a country
that posed no legitimate threat to our national
interests. She wants to know the meaning of the
Downing Street Memo's statement that within the Bush
administration, 'the intelligence and facts were being
fixed around the policy.' She wants to know what Bush
means when he refers to the 'noble cause' for which
her son was killed. She wants to know, if the cause is
so damn noble, why aren't Bush's kids fighting for it?
To that end, Cindy and the family members of many
more casualties of Bush's war have set up camp outside
Bush's Crawford, Texas ranch, demanding to speak with
the man in charge.
Only Bush isn't talking. Instead, as is his wont,
Bush cowers behind the protection of one of his
infamous 'free speech zones,' safe from the
impertinent questioning of those naive enough to still
think the U.S. is a democracy. He struts around in his
boots and hat, pretending to be a cowboy from Texas
instead of a rich-boy from Connecticut who summered in
Maine. He hides, hoping the unsavory characters at his
door will simply go away.
Bush's refusal to speak to Cindy should come as no
surprise. As made clear by his innumerable
made-for-television 'town hall meetings,' Bush is
either too dumb or too cowardly to face unscripted
questions, much less be challenged by citizens who
hadn't first passed their screen tests and sworn
loyalty oaths. In keeping with his fear of anything
resembling real leadership, Bush won't let even Cindy
and her comrades within 4 miles of his desolate
ranch. They were only allowed to come that close after
being forced to park their vehicles eight miles away
and then walk four miles in a ditch. When they dared
walk on the road, they weren't permitted to go any
further. Talk about gratitude: thanks for your
unimaginable sacrifice, now walk four miles in this
Undeterred by the offensive treatment she received on
Bush's orders, Cindy has vowed to remain camped (far)
outside the ranch until Bush decides to suck it up and
talk to her. If he can't muster the courage in Texas,
Cindy's vowed to follow Bush to Washington. She's got
nothing to lose. Her son's already dead.
Granted, Bush did speak with Cindy once before,
approximately 2 months after her son was killed. Cindy
claims that she was still in shock at the time, and
who could blame her? Imagine the scene: a bereaved
mother, grappling with the impossible concept that her
son was dead. While in her state of mind-numbing grief
and confusion, Bush consoles her with the same hollow
platitudes used on countless other occasions. 'Your
son/daughter/husband/wife died in a noble and selfless
cause.' She nods her head, says thank you, sobs, and
wonders how to rid herself of the ache in her chest.
Meanwhile, Bush moves on to mechanically repeat the
same lines to another grieving victim of his war on
The question is, why won't Bush hear out Cindy and
her colleagues? If he is so cock-sure that his war in
Iraq is 'a noble and selfless cause,' why would he
feel threatened by those who question that assessment?
If his administration did not fix the intelligence
around its Iraq policy, why not answer the questions
of those concerned by the Downing Street Memo and put
their doubts to rest? If Bush does truly mourn every
loss of American life lost in Iraq, why not come down
from his lofty perch and give those whose loved ones
have died in Iraq the respect they deserve, instead of
forcing them to walk in a ditch?
No need to answer. The questions are rhetorical.
Ken Sanders is an attorney and writer in Tucson whose
work has been published by Z Magazine, Common Dreams,
Democratic Underground, Dissident Voice, and Political
Affairs Magazine, among others.