Cut Transgender People Out of ENDA? No Way!


9-28-07. 9:19 am

Just as the Employment Non-Discrimination Act neared action in Congress, disturbing reports have surfaced that House Democratic leaders are planning to remove the bill’s protections for transgender workers in committee next week. That’s completely unacceptable!

In the labor movement, we’re proud of our history of solidarity across lines of race, religion, ethnicity, gender and sexuality. We’ve learned to resist the divisive and dishonest tactics of enemies who would try to divide us along these lines. We cannot and will not leave the least numerous and most vulnerable among us to fend for themselves. We stand together, one for all and all for one!

The passage of the federal hate crimes bill, with full protections for LGBT Americans, by both House and Senate this year shows that politically, it is entirely possible to pass federal legislation that protects transgender people as well as gay men, lesbians and bisexuals. The House hate crimes bill passed by more than 50 votes this spring, and the Senate voted today to invoke cloture, cutting off debate and bringing its hate crimes bill to a voice vote, by 60 to 39.

Please take a moment to call these members of Congress and let them know you want transgender workers protected in ENDA –

Representative Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, 202-225-4965

Representative Barney Frank, chief House sponsor of ENDA, 202-225-5931

Representative George Miller, Chairman, House Education and Labor Committee, 202-225-2095.

If you can take the time to send an e-mail to your Representative, please do that too. But remember, every hour counts and personal phone calls are the most effective way of letting the Congressional leadership know your views.

Remember – An Injury to One Is an Injury to All!

Click here to send your message today!

From Pride At Work, AFL-CIO