Editors' Blog

Another company discriminates against the unemployed

If you read my Facebook note, Im sorry in advance because you already read this.

Terror threat on 10yr anniversary of 9/11 goes unheeded

Sorry I have been away so long, my faithful followers.

Thoughts on moving forward from the "Budget Control Act"

It's clear that Republicans intend to use the Super Committee process to go after Social Security and Medicare.

Bernie Sanders is right

The passage of the "Debt Ceiling Bill"  marks a dangerous moment for the workers movement in this country.  As Vermont's Independent Senator, Bernie Sanders, has so clearly pointed out this "Debt Ceiling Compromise" is in fact, a sweeping victory for the wealthy, the largest Corporations and Banks and the ultra-right.

GOP's manufactured debt crisis was all about killing jobs

The Republican-manufactured debt crisis and the subsequent compromise "budget control act" will kill jobs, more than 300,000 by some estimates.

Some Historical Background and Suggestions on the "Debt Ceiling" Question

Progressives are rightfully condemning the dirty debt deal and rightfully so.The CPUSA has made its position clear on what was a kind of double “hostage crisis,” that is, the Republican Right enforcing party discipline on the whole Republican party and then having the Democratic leadership and the Obama administration negotiate with them largely on their own terms, to the detriment of all except them.

Lincoln and Obama

At the beginning of the Civil War, the Confederates were winning, too.  Lincoln was at great risk of not being re-elected.

Broadly speaking: More on the "Satan Sandwich"

Coalition on Human Needs Statement: the Budget Control ActWashington, DC:  The Coalition on Human Needs released this statement by Deborah Weinstein, Executive Director:

Why does the working class have to pay for Wall Street's crisis?

The international financial crisis of several years ago cost  finance capital trillions of dollars, even though the US bailed them out with 15 to 20 trillion dollars (the same US that allegedly owes a big chunk of its national debt to the banksters it bailed out; shouldn't we have gotten a forgiveness of the "debt" we "owe" them ?) Even with the bailout there was a big loss to finance capital.

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