Editors' Blog

The Death of Klinghoffer: Reflections by Thomas Riggins

Thomas Riggins  All the recent fuss at the Metropolitan Opera over John Adams' 1991 opera The Death of Klinghoffer led me get the DVD from Netflix to watch.

End the War on Terror

End the war on terror and save billions, by Fareed Zakaria: As we debate whether the two parties can ever come together and get things done, here’s something President Obama could probably do by himself that would be a signal accomplishment of his presidency: End the war on terror.

September 11. Be Wary of Tricks

September 11: Beware of Rituals and Clichés Norman Markowitz Yesterday was the tenth anniversary of the September 11 attack.

Terror threat on 10yr anniversary of 9/11 goes unheeded

Sorry I have been away so long, my faithful followers.

Osama bin Ladin is dead. Obama – come home

I feel no relief at the assassination of Osama bin Laden.

The CIA File on Luis Posada Carriles

The CIA File on Luis Posada CarrilesA Former Agency Asset Goes on Trial in the U.S.From: http://www.nsarchive.org