Homage To Fidel Castro on his 80th Birthday


12-06-06, 8:41 am

From halfway around the world, I have come to bring warmest greetings on behalf of the Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas (PKP-1930, the Philippine Communist Party), the Philippine-Cuban Friendship Society, the Philippine Campaign to Free the Five (5) Cuban Heroes from US Imprisonment, and all the Filipino supporters and admirers of the Cuban Revolution and of its Commandante. I wish to pay tribute to Commandante Fidel, the greatest revolutionary that humanity has ever produced since the Second World War. It is only most fitting that the Guayasamin Foundation has organized this international event to pay homage to the 80th birthday of Commandante Fidel, and I wish to thank the Guayasamin Foundation's initiative in convening this international event.

The Philippines and Cuba, although located halfway around the world from each other, share a common history of subjugation under Spanish colonialism and US imperialism. Both the Philippines and Cuba were under the heel of Spanish colonialism and monastic rule for over 300 years. Both the anti-colonial revolutions in Philippines and Cuba were victorious at the end of the 1890s when the US imperialists intervened to subjugate the Filipino and Cuban peoples. The pattern of US imperialist control over our 2 countries, with the use of local puppets developed from among the largest feudal landlords, was almost the same for our 2 countries until the Second World War and the immediate post-war period. However, while the Philippines continues to be subjugated by US imperialism until the present, Cuba on the other hand is a beacon of freedom, independence and sovereignty since 1959 under the revolutionary leadership of Commandante Fidel.

Revolutionary leadership is not without dangers and tribulations. Imperialist plots against the life of Fidel have never stopped since the triumph of the Cuban revolution. An all-out US invasion with the use of 'gusanos' was launched, but this was thoroughly routed by the Cuban people. Biological warfare was then launched against socialist Cuba, devastating livestock and spreading epidemics. A Cubana airliner was blown out of the sky over Barbados, the handiwork of CIA and its 'gusano' hirelings. Cuban solidarity assistance to other countries was denigrated, and was even ended by force as in the case of Grenada. But all progressive peoples throughout the world will never forget that socialist Cuba, with all its limitations and hardships brought about by the imperialist blockade, selflessly rendered tremendous assistance to help liberate Southern Africa from the scourge of apartheid.

All forms of pressures have been exerted to try to weaken and strangle the Cuban revolution, especially when Cuba stood alone in this hemisphere in the defense of socialism after the tragic demise of the former USSR. The imperialist blockade against Cuba was kept ever tightening, even as more terrorist actions were launched against Cuba, directed from Florida and other 'gusano' centers in the USA. Provocative actions were launched from the USA to cause an illegal mass emigration from Cuba, but this too was rebuffed by the Cuban people. In desperation, tourists and tourism facilities in Cuba became the targets of CIA-supported terrorists. Thanks to the counter-intelligence activities of Cuban anti-terrorists and patriots, such as the 5 Cuban Heroes who are up to now unjustly languishing in US jails, many of these imperialist-supported terrorist plots and actions were nipped in the bud, or were appropriately suppressed.

In all the revolutionary accomplishments of Cuba, whether in the building up of socialism in Cuba (with its concomitant development of higher education, advanced medicine and biotechnology), in fending off imperialist plots, or in the extension of solidarity and cooperation with other developing countries (both members and non-members of ALBA), there is one man who is the visionary, the inspirer and the leader of socialist Cuba --- that is Commandante Fidel, who truly is the greatest revolutionary alive today.

To express our solidarity with socialist Cuba and the revolutionary people of Cuba led by Commandante Fidel, big solidarity conferences, meetings and other mass activities are held by our Party and mass organizations every quarter of the year. The latest, held last October 15, was a 'Conference of Solidarity with Cuba, and for the Freedom of the 5 Cuban Heroes', held at the University of the Philippines in Quezon City, Metropolitan Manila. Among the guests were Cuban Embassy Charge d'Affaires Sicilia Fernandez Dominguez, and Venezuelan Embassy Charge d'Affaires Manuel Perez Iturbe. Messages received from 3 of the 5 Cuban Heroes --- from Gerardo Hernandez Nordelo, Antonio Guerrero Rodriguez and Fernando Gonzales Llort --- were read out and gave great inspiration to the participants. The said Conference also dispatched messages of solidarity to the 5 Cuban heroes.

The anniversary of the Moncada Assault is a 'red-letter day' for the progressive movement in the Philippines, which is celebrated every July as a forum against US terrorism, and as a reminder to all that initial setbacks in the struggle against imperialism and local reaction (such as that encountered by the Cuban revolutionaries at Moncada) should only further strengthen our resolve to foster wider unity and attain victory. To all revolutionaries, Commandante Fidel's example of firm resolve in attaining victory over imperialism and reaction will always be an inspiration.

In closing, I wish to reiterate our great admiration for Commandante Fidel, and to thank the Guayasamin Foundation for organizing this very important international event in honor of the 80th birthday of Commandante Fidel.

Viva Fidel ! Viva Cuba Libre ! Thank you for your kind attention.

--Pedro P. Baguisa is General Secretary of the PARTIDO KOMUNISTA NG PILIPINAS (PKP-1930, the Philippine Communist Party). This speech was delivered in Havana, Cuba.