1-21-07, 10:45 p.m.
The US president’s threatening speech against Iran, and the provocative raid of American military units on an office building in Irbil where Iranian government officials worked, and the detention of five office staff in the recent days, are worrying developments for all progressive and national forces of our country. In his recent speech, to outline the US new strategy in Iraq, and in response to the wide-ranging domestic and international criticism concerning the grave situation in Iraq, George Bush finger pointed and accused the Islamic Republic of Iran and Syria and stated that the way out of the current crisis was to contain (harness) and isolate these two countries. In addition to this statements, the recent visit of US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to the Middle East, and the consultation meetings she is scheduled to have with the leaders of eight states in the region, and also with [Persian] Gulf Cooperation Council, as well as her threatening remarks that the US would not remain indifferent to Iran’s function in Iraq’s situation, should be regarded and evaluated in line with the purposeful and planned efforts of the US in order to isolate Iran in the international scene, and the dangerous hidden agenda with regards to the future course of developments in our country.
As it has repeatedly stated in the recent months, the Tudeh Party of Iran is deeply concerned that the current crisis - which has escalated as a result of the foreign policy of the [Iranian] regime and the questionable and tension-creating actions of its leaders with regards to the legitimate and natural right of our country to have access to nuclear technology - will keep deepening. Resolution 1737 passed by the UN Security Council to impose sanctions on Iran and to ban the supply of nuclear-related technology [to Iran], followed by the action of a few of the world’s major banks to suspend their business with Iranian financial institutions, followed by provocative news about Israel’s plans to launch air attacks against Iran’s nuclear sites, as well as hostile policies of some of the Arab states in the region against Iran, in harmony with the US, cannot be simply ignored. While the US imperialism has targeted the sovereignty of our country in line with its militaristic policies and “unlimited war against terror”, aiming to expand “new order in the great Middle East”, the [Iranian] regime leaders, instead of taking effective policies to mobilise world public opinion against any kind of aggression on our country, practically assist imperialism plans with their irresponsible and provocative statements. Some of the circles in the country rightfully argue that the regime is trying to take advantage of the current crisis to cover up its deep domestic problems and the failure of the policies of the totalitarian government.
Under such complex and fragile conditions, and while the dark clouds of tension and military conflict are swiftly spreading over Iran and the region, it is important that by foresight and wisdom attempts are made to improve strained relationship with the countries in the region. Going on domestic and international trips with populist, propaganda intentions, and delivering rhetoric and worthless speeches instead of making efforts to give assurance to the neighbouring countries and to improve diplomatic relationships, as well as tension-creating positions of the leaders of the regime, and in particularly Ahmadi-Nejad himself, are destructive and adventurous policies that can have disastrous consequences for the future of our country.
The Tudeh Party of Iran strongly condemns any form of intervention in Iran’s internal affairs, under any pretences and calls upon the international peace movement to mobilize its forces around the globe to seriously oppose this dangerous development. We also strongly condemn the oppressive policies of the [Iranian] regime, which is being implemented in the current situation under the cover of “safeguarding the unity of the Islamic nation”, to attack the opposition political forces, independent press and national-religious forces.
We believe that if fundamental changes in the foreign policy of the country are not made to adopt an active, persistence and logical policy for the purpose of drawing the broad support of the world public opinion, and to isolate warmongering circles, then the strategic interests of our nation and its sovereignty would seriously be threatened. We believe that the way out of the current crisis passes through transparency of all the decisions made and actions taken towards achieving nuclear technology, winning the trust of the International Atomic Energy Agency with respect to the extent and purpose of advanced industries in Iran, avoiding any provocative statements and actions towards the countries of the region, and planning the foreign policy of the country based on the acceptable and established principles of international diplomacy. The main goal of such a policy would be to reduce tension in the region, help establishing peace and security on the borders of our country and in the region, and to create an atmosphere in which the human, economical and natural potential of our country would yield the best outcome. The Tudeh Party of Iran once again expresses its strong objection to any military adventure in the region, and considers any intensification of military – political conflict in the region to be against the interests of the people of Iran, the Middle East region, and global peace. We call upon all the national, progressive and democratic forces of the country to unite and to step up their efforts to defend the sovereignty and democratic development of the country, and to oppose and confront provocative, interventionist and militaristic policies of any force within the country or internationally. Tudeh Party of Iran believes that united effort of the popular movement of our people for building a democratic, progressive and modern Iran can only be expanded in a peaceful environment in the region and in the world.