Articles > July
US Mired in Debt Limit Deadlock Amid Anemic Economic Growth
Original source: Xinhua
Michigan Republicans Forcing a "Race to the Bottom" on Environment
In Retrospect, Some Candid Opinions: Unpublished Final Chapter of Dissent on Trial
Note: William Schneiderman came to the United States in 1908 at the age of two, was an important leader of the Communist Party of the United States of America from the 1930s until the 1950s, and was the principal figure in two precedent-setting political trials.
Choice in All Things: Consumer Financial Protection as the “Plain Vanilla Approach"
“[T]here's a view that says protect consumers by limiting the choices they have.
The "Three Great Achievements"
Original source: China DailyOur “three great achievements” over the past 90 years are that “we have embarked on the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, formed a system of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics and established a socialist system with Chinese characteristics”.
Two Years of Repression and Mobilizations in Honduras
Original source: DialogoThe widespread repression and murders of political and labor union leaders and human rights activists has not stopped ongoing demonstrations in Honduras against the coup-driven government of Porfirio Lobo.
FOX Silence on Hacking Scandal Reveals Hypocrisy
News Corp's Hack Shows a Double StandardPalin Hack Had O'Reilly Calling for Criminal Prosecution
New York Coalition Urges Reps. to Resist GOP Budget Cuts
A diverse coalition of more than 60 human service, community, senior, labor, economic policy and peace organizations has sent a joint letter to the NYC congressional delegation urging them to provide a strong and clear national voice to protect the country's social contract in the debate over the debt ceiling and the federal budget.
Unemployment Trumps Debt
The jobs numbers are out.
The Jobs Crisis Will Not Be Cured with the Same Policies that Created It
The Jobs Crisis Will Not Be Cured with the Same Policies that Created the Crisis; Experts and National Leaders Agree, Explore Job-Creating SolutionsJuly 11, 2011