Articles > July 2010
July 2010

2010 Election Fight: Labor Movement Leads
Remarks by AFL-CIO President Richard L. Trumka, United Mine Workers of America 54th Constitutional Convention, Las Vegas, NV July 26, 2010 Brothers and sisters, I am proud to work for 11.5 million union workers across America, and I think about them every single day.
Arne Duncan's $800 million fight
The total federal budget for 2010 came in at just a hair under $3.6 trillion.

Slouching Toward Bethlehem?
Its hard not to fall prey to apocalyptic thinking as one comprehends the combination of the recent unemployment reports, the Gulf Oil catastrophe, the blog wars between economists debating whether the future will bring a “slow recovery” (synonym for “no recovery that working families will be able to see or feel”) or “a double dip recession” (synonym for a pit whose trough cannot yet be discerned).

White House Promotes Recovery Act, Health Reform
In a bid to promote some of its major legislative accomplishments, the Obama administration this week highlighted some positive impacts of the economic recovery act and announced new rules created under the health reform law that will improve health insurance for tens of millions of Americans.