Articles > July 2010
July 2010

2010 Election Fight: Labor Movement Leads
Remarks by AFL-CIO President Richard L. Trumka, United Mine Workers of America 54th Constitutional Convention, Las Vegas, NV July 26, 2010 Brothers and sisters, I am proud to work for 11.5 million union workers across America, and I think about them every single day.

Book Review: Labor’s Canvas: American Working Class History and the WPA Art of the 1930s
Labor’s Canvas: American Working Class History and the WPA Art of the 1930s By Laura Hapke Newcastle, UK, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008 Editor’s note: Originally published in the June 2009 issue of American Communist History.

Book Review: Getting America Back to Work
Getting America Back to Work by Stewart Acuff and Richard A. Levins Featuring the Editorial Cartoons of Steve Sack Tasora Books, Minneapolis, 2010 The authors of Getting America Back to Work do more than explain how to create jobs.