Kiss My Blank-ity, Blank, Blank, Prince Charles


Dear Prince Charles,

Kiss my blank-ity, blank, blank!

Yea, I said it. Go the hell back to England. Don’t insult our intelligence on this side of the Atlantic.

A ‘prince’, they say you are? The loving affection exuded by the corporate media outlets is revolting and disgraceful!

The message, that ‘British royalty’ should be admired for humanitarian gestures of benevolence and caring for the ‘unfortunate’ of the world, has been soaked up to the saturation point by the American public. The sponge of public perception, make that deception, is dripping wet. The puddle on the floor is now ankle deep.

The garbage is warmed over time and time again. Long live the King/Queen of England, the refrain continues. One-person, autocratic rule? Democracy hell! Off with your head!

Have no illusions about what life entailed many years ago for the voiceless peasantry and poor when the King’s royal entourage happen to past by. Was trembling not commonplace? No rights except those officially approved by the king? Come on? The wrong look on the face of a simple farmer meant instant confinement in dark quarters for indeterminate lengths of time, and/or slow excruciating death. Have no illusions. One could say that as an African American I have an axe to grind. The ‘royal’ ancestors benefited immensely from the brutal hunting of my ancestors for enslavement and forced labor. The history of colonialist exploitation by foreign powers is the history of dirty work. Conspiracies to rob foreign lands of natural wealth and to deny human dignity to indigenous populations were hatched in ‘honorable’ royal chambers side by side with church hierarchy. It was all about the loot, to put it bluntly.

Fast forwarding to the year 2005; The era of the ultra-right Bush Administration drive for world domination through military aggression. Self-appointed policeman of the world, Bush waves the banner of Christian evangelism in the name of war-mongering and establishing a permanent U.S. military forward base in the middle-eastern region. The British Royal family doesn’t give two hoots about the downside of imperialist wars- the morbid consequences, the extreme human suffering. Indifference is the key word. Greed and arrogance, the distinguishing qualities of centuries of royal rule, has certainly gotten us into this current never-ending war mess. Resistance to U.S. occupation through extreme, violent means with complete disregard to civilian deaths is a regular occurrence in different parts of the world. What was once considered a sure thing, U.S. technological military superiority walk-over- a shock and awe entertainment show for war hawks- has turned into something very different.

British political and military support gave credibility to the Bush administration war strategy. The Downing Street Memos reveal that the British people were deceived by their government in a way similar to the deception of the vulnerable American people.

The contrast between the excessive wealth of the ‘royal family’ and the reality of starving people and millions of fresh graves world-wide, is mind-blowing. The symbolic and practical role of the British monarchy is to celebrate in grand scale the minority rule and political dominance of a relative few over the vast majority.

Basically we’re talking about the exact opposite of democracy. Color it any way you want. Privilege and excessive wealth sucks, to use a common youthful term for extreme dislike of something objectionable.

To hoard financial resources on a personal level in great amounts, that could easily facilitate the prevention of significant numbers of death from poverty and disease, if directed to these ends, is a crime against humanity, plain and simple.

The glorification of kings and queens in history books were pretty much the bulk of what I remember as an inquisitive, daydreaming child in social studies class. Sliding down in my chair, wanting to disappear into thin air during lectures of ‘Negro his-story’, was a humiliating and dreadful experience, for me the single brown boy, in my all-white class in Mystic, Connecticut.

The psychological devastation of childhood racism, and the ensuing fights, especially the one when mud was wiped on my shirt by a so-called best friend while classmates laughed for amusement- was my stark reality. People brown like me were considered inferior. Television reinforced that way of thinking then as it does now.

Only much later did I learn about history in a different way. As a critically thinking adult I began to think outside of the box. No more plantation indoctrination for me. The life long admiration for the King and Queen idea came to an abrupt brake-screeching stop. The fairytale concept was kicked to the curb with the power of a professional punter in a clinching game-winning field goal kick from 60 yards out.

The critical thinking approach occurred when I began to read about history through the honest point of view of Karl Marx.

He and others trashed the idea of permanent rule of the ruling rich. The history of exploitation of man by man was explained in detailed elaboration.

The various stages of that history were highlighted and simplified. The class antagonism readings were most enlightening. Class struggle as a main motivational force of history opened up my eyes.

It made perfect sense. So go the hell back to England, Prince Charles. Take your entourage and your delusions of self-importance back across the ocean in a hurry. You may fool a lot of people. You may even fool most of the people. But one thing is for certain.

Your fake behind hasn’t fooled me.

Give back the wealth that was stolen from the rest of the world. Stop pretending otherwise.

Sincerely. Irate World Citizen

P.S.- Long live the memory of the courageous Rosa Parks who in 1955 resisted the ingrained American tradition of racism, risking her well-being, her life, by taking a principled stand against the injustices of Jim Crow segregation and discrimination in Montgomery, Alabama

...As Bill Clinton eulogizes Rosa Park at the Detroit funeral CNN displays a split screen of the arrival of Prince Charles at the White House. Bush really doesn’t care. He had instantly switched to laughing mode moments after reading a so-called solemn televised announcement about her passing. I couldn’t believe my eyes and ears…

Kanye was right!

Ron Bunyon Jr. is a peace activist and warrior on the battleground of ideas.(Love Ya, niece Janelle. Kiss little Sagi for me.)