Articles > March

A View from the Third World: A letter in response to Michael Moore’s “America is not broke” speech in Wisconsin
A View from the Third World: A letter in response to Michael Moore’s “America is not broke” speech in Wisconsin.Hersh Zakheim Rebelión [Creative Commons]Dear Michael Moore,I had the opportunity to read the text of your March 5, 2011 speech in Madison during the recent events in Wisconsin. I would like to share with you some thoughts regarding your statements.

Can We Afford to Bomb Libya?
We can afford to bomb Libya, but we can't afford employment or income for millions of Americans.
Chasing the Chinese Dream
Original source: Beijing ReviewPeople’s pursuit of better lives pushes the nation forwardThe belief that anyone can live a better life in the United States through hard work is called the American Dream.

I Don't Advocate Class War, But...
And I'm glad to be speaking with you at this moment—a time when the breath-taking attacks on working people are matched only by their incredible courage and historic activism.
China's Labor Movement: A Bigger Role to Play
Original source: Beijing ReviewTrade unions face heavy tasks of better representing and safeguarding employee interestsAccording to Chinese tradition, all debts should be paid before the New Year.

Workers Rights in the Era of Globalization
Editor's note: Excerpted from a speech delivered by Trumka at the Council on Foreign Relations, March 17, 2011.
Rewriting the Social Contract and Making Everybody Hurt
Original source:
Black Caucus Stands in Solidarity with Wisconsin Workers
WASHINGTON – Chairman Emanuel Cleaver II, Congresswoman Gwen Moore and the Congressional Black Caucus sent the following letter to Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin in support of workers rights.

The World Food Crisis
While the advanced capitalist countries are hit by an acute crisis of recession and unemployment, the developing world is facing, apart from the fall-out of this crisis, an acute food crisis.