Articles > March

A View from the Third World: A letter in response to Michael Moore’s “America is not broke” speech in Wisconsin
A View from the Third World: A letter in response to Michael Moore’s “America is not broke” speech in Wisconsin.Hersh Zakheim Rebelión [Creative Commons]Dear Michael Moore,I had the opportunity to read the text of your March 5, 2011 speech in Madison during the recent events in Wisconsin. I would like to share with you some thoughts regarding your statements.

Wisconsin Subterfuge Violates American Democratic Values
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and his crew of country club conservatives this week brutalized the nation's democratic traditions to secure legislation demanded by big corporations and billionaire conservative financiers like the Koch brothers – legislation stripping workers of collective bargaining rights.
America Is NOT Broke
Delivered in Madison, Wisconsin on Saturday, March 5th, 2011.America is not broke.
Latino Organizations Support Workers and Collective Bargaining
USHLI Joins with 19 National Latino Organizations United in Opposition to Brutal Attacks against Workers and Collective Bargaining
Black Caucus Stands in Solidarity with Wisconsin Workers
WASHINGTON – Chairman Emanuel Cleaver II, Congresswoman Gwen Moore and the Congressional Black Caucus sent the following letter to Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin in support of workers rights.

New Jersey Rallies to Support Wisconsin Workers
Friday, Feb. 25, was a rainy day here in New Jersey.