Articles > May 2010
May 2010

Greening Air Travel
EarthTalk® From the Editors of E/The Environmental Magazine Dear EarthTalk: Can airplanes be run on cleaner fuels or be electric powered? Are there changes afoot in the airline business to find cleaner fuels? -- Reema Islam, Dhaka, Bangladesh Given air travel’s huge contribution to our collective carbon footprint—flying accounts for about three percent of carbon emissions worldwide by some estimates—and the fact that basic passenger and cargo jet designs haven’t changed significantly in decades, the world is certainly ready for greener forms of flying.

The Historical Significance of Jose Marti´s Death
Editorial note: This article was written on the occasion of the anniversary of the birth of Cuban poet and independence activist José Martí, who was born May 19th.

Life in the Gulf is Draining
Three US transnational companies are sucking the life out of the waters of the Gulf of Mexico due to negligence in operating the Deepwater Horizon Platform which caused a catastrophe that is threatening several states in the region.There are three to blame for the explosion that has provoked the oil spill in the Gulf: BP (former British Petroleum) owner of the oil deposit; Transocean, a firm that has the rights over the deep water platform where the accident took place; and Halliburton, which has a sub-contract to operate the complex installation.AFP reported that the one mile long pipeline is extracting a fifth of the oil that emanates, but the report does not mention the damages inflicted by the other four-fifths of the oil on the Gulf of Mexico´s flora and fauna whose extension is still unknown.The three firms, summoned by the US Congress, evaded their individual responsibilities blaming each other for the disaster.

Fox News Airs Extremist Hate Organization
In a recent article reported on the dubious findings of a discredited report published by the extremist anti-immigrant, anti-Catholic group Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR).
Anti-union Lobbyist Accused of Illegal Activity
Anti-union PR boss Richard Berman is on the hot seat after two charity organizations this month asked the New York State Commission on Public Integrity to investigate his firm for illegal lobbying.
Labor stands for Working Families
AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Liz Shuler K Street Showdown, Washington, DCMay 17, 2010Rich Trumka wanted to be here, but instead you have a union sister from Oregon who's no stranger to this rain. Some people thought that the rain would shut us down, but we're here to shut K Street down.Thank you all for coming down here to K Street today.
The Communist Ideal
A "found poem" from Google search, and other "whole cloth"
Don’t Burn the Books – Ban the Courses that Use Them
The state of Arizona recently passed an "immigration law," which pandered to peoples' worst chauvinist sentiments.
Iran Charges Political Prisoners with Terrorism, Suspends Legal Rights
A call to organize a united campaign to confront the execution of political prisonersAs proclaimed in the notice issued by the Public Court and the "Islamic Revolution Court" of Iran, early on Sunday May the 9th, five political prisoners were executed in Evin prison in Tehran.Farzad Kamangar, Shirin Alam Hooli, Farhad Vakili, Ali Heydarian and Mehdi Eslamian were the 5 prisoners who were hanged without a fair and public trial and and on the basis of manufactured and unsubstantiated allegations.