
Resolution of Solidarity With Cuba

For forty-five years and as part of their systematic policy of hostility and aggression, ten successive US Administrations have applied a cruel economic, financial and commercial blockade on Cuba, a blockade that has been intensified under the present Republican Administration of President George W. Bush.

CIA Aircrafts in Turkey

Reports say that the torture aircrafts of the CIA landed the European airports over 300 times. The aircrafts landed most frequently landed Germany and Great Britain, 96 and 80 times respectively.

Open Letter: No Place for a Poet at a Banquet of Shame

Dear Mrs. Bush: I am writing to let you know why I am not able to accept your kind invitation to give a presentation at the National Book Festival on September 24, or to attend your dinner at the Library of Congress or the breakfast at the White House.

Book Review: The 'W' Effect: Bush's War on Women

The 'W' Effect, edited by radio personality and author Laura Flanders, is an excellent resource for examining the Bush administration’s record on issues that impact women’s lives, and for that matter are directly linked to all us.

Do Our Daughters Really Need Breast Implants? We Can't All Be Pamela Anderson

Cultures tend to encourage conformity. They fail to see the growth of society and population health is attained through diversity of mind and body. Family trees with limited branches don’t thrive (see the Hapsburgs). Our daughters must learn to sculpt their minds and appreciate their bodies.

50 Years After Bus Boycott, MLK's Path Not Yet Taken

Exactly fifty years ago, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. ascended the pulpit of the Holt Street Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama to preach for the first time about nonviolent protest. Stop riding the buses, he urged, start marching for freedom, and don’t stop until every American has full equal rights.

Pearl Harbor, Past and Present

It is the sixty-fourth anniversary of Pearl Harbor attack and some scholars are trying to revive the old rightwing 'isolationist' arguments that the Roosevelt administration knew about the attacks and let them happen to get the U.S. into the war.

An Interview with David Roediger

As I wrote Working toward Whiteness, I came to see one historic task on the New Deal -- and one in which it succeeded -- as the fostering of fuller U.S. citizenship among immigrants from southern and eastern Europe and their kids.

Dr. Hans Blix: Did They Lie? Do They Continue to Lie?

First, as regards the aim of the war...Saudi Arabia, with the holiest Muslim sites, had become a problematic host country to American armed forces. Iraq, with a US friendly government, could become a good alternative host to an American military presence in the area.

LIBERIA: No impunity for rapists, vows President-elect

Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, who will be Africa’s first female president when she takes office in Liberia next month, on Monday promised no rapist would go unpunished during her tenure.“Nobody will abuse our girls and women and get away with it; any law on rape especially the rape bill just passed into law will be totally implemented under our government,”

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