
Mike Farrell Urges California to Declare Moratorium on Executions

While all other Western nations have abolished the “outdated, immoral and illegal” practice of Capital Punishment, the U.S continues executing people.

Will MidEast Summit Bring Lasting Peace?

As Palestinian and Israeli leaders wrapped up a summit here Tuesday, analysts disagreed on whether the meeting would usher in real progress on the Middle East peace process.

Poverty Among US Children Grows

Poverty and other problems are affecting 13 million children of undocumented residents in the United States.

President's Budget Bad News for Sick and Disabled Veterans

The Administration has proposed one of the most tight-fisted, miserly budgets for veterans programs in recent memory, says Disabled American Veterans.

Veterans Protest Iraqi War at Harvard

Two veterans of the ongoing Iraq war addressed 150 people in the Science Center [Harvard University] Friday, criticizing the purpose and progress of the war.

Time to Bring the Troops Home

Citing soaring costs in lives and tax dollars, lawmakers, peace leaders and military families demanded that President George W. Bush bring the troops home from Iraq.

Discard Free Trade Treaties – Experts; Neoliberalism Hinders Progress

Free trade bilateral agreements with the United States should be discarded for their negative impact on developing economies.

IMF policies block development; FTAA talks stalled

IMF polices haven't stopped poverty and strangle development, say international economists. Countries stall FTAA discussions over agriculture issues.


Genocide: Imperialism’s Continuing Barbaric Legacy

In the past, Europeans set out on various quests of exploration and conquest, claiming a providentially appointed mission to civilize the world.

Bush Budget Punishes America’s Workers and Veterans to Save Tax Breaks for Millionaires

Bush submitted a $2.57 trillion federal budget that makes massive funding cuts in programs covering health care, education, veterans and worker training.

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