
Iraqis Are Not Mascots; the Iraq Elections in Context

For most commentators, the Iraq elections have played roughly the same role as Safia Taleb al-Suhail. A stunning triumph for Bush’s policy of democracy promotion.

Bush's Social Security Plan Makes Retirement Less Secure

GOP President George W. Bush's partial Social Security privatization plan makes retirement less secure while opening retireees' payments to hazards of 'Enronization.'

Workers Would Lose up to $152,000 if Social Security Is Privatized

A young worker would lose 30 percent or more in guaranteed benefits, according to the Social Security Administration. That adds up to as much as $152,000 in retirement benefits

A Miserable Super Sunday

I believe the Super Bowl should be the most exciting game of the year. The entire production should enter your veins like uncut adrenaline.


Ward Churchill’s Roosting Chickens

Ward Churchill has some opinions that differ from the usual yahoo unquestioning jingoism of the crypto-fascist Bush supporters, and he thought he had the right to express them.

Youth Support for Social Security Growing; NOW Warns Women against Privatization

The results of a recent poll show that youth do not support privatization when they learn it means dramatically cutting benefits and increasing the national debt.

More Union Jobs Disappear in the 'Recovery'

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) recently released new data on union membership for 2004, documenting the ongoing decline in private sector unionization.

Iraqis Voted Because They Want U.S. Troops Out

The fact that millions of Iraqis turned out to vote has led many here to conclude that George W. Bush was right to invade Iraq. What an odd conclusion.

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