
New Abu Ghraib Photos Confirm Need for Independent Counsel, ACLU Says

'We continue to see undeniable evidence that abuse and torture has been widespread and systematic, yet high level government officials have not been held accountable for creating the policies that led to these atrocities,'

Panama Canal In Retrospect: 'Thank God They’re Gone”

During six years of management by Panama (2000 to 2005), for example, that nation received almost two times the amount paid by the United States to Panama during the first 66 years of the existence of that waterway (1913-1979).

CENTRAL ASIA: Weekly news wrap

President Kurmanbek Bakiyev(Kyrgyzstan) wants the United States to pay more than 100 times the current fee for use of an air base in the ex-Soviet republic,

Nigeria: Army trades fire with militant groups in Niger Delta

The militant group Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND), which claims to fight for local control of oil wealth in the impoverished region, said it was the group trading fire with the Nigerian army.

Southern Africa: Too white to be black - the challenge of albinism

Professor John Makumbe was almost killed at birth by a shocked mid-wife in a mission hospital in rural eastern Zimbabwe.

APN Chats with US Rep McKinney on Katrina, Race, and Class

'As I pointed out in my remarks, the Hurricane Katrina was indiscriminate in both race and class in who it victimized. But the federal response wasn’t indiscriminate, and that’s the problem.'

Close Guantánamo Prison Camps, UN Report

The report specifically called on the US government 'to close immediately the detention center in Guantánamo Bay and bring all detainees before an independent and competent tribunal or release them.'

Medicare for All is a Real Solution

Bush’s staff complained yesterday that his big healthcare announcement at Wendy’s Headquarters in Ohio went largely unnoticed because of Vice President Chaney’s shooting incident. It was probably just as well because he didn’t have much to say.

Middle East: Weathering the Globalization Storm

It remains to be seen whether globalization has left much room for indigenous cultures to negotiate a space for themselves in a world of encroaching global polities and often uncompromising nation-state boundaries.


Book Review: Viva Che!

CHE Guevara once said that 'a true revolutionary is motivated by feelings of deep love' and, by all accounts, he certainly practised what he preached.

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