

The Unforgiven: Jack Johnson and Barry Bonds

As the San Francisco Giants slugger approaches Henry Aaron’s record for career homers, this probability seems to be turning otherwise rational people upside down, as Bonds has encountered an almost surreal level of hostility.


Human Rights Council discontinues mandate against Cuba

At the end of its 5th Session in Geneva, the Human Rights Council decided to discontinue the mandate of the so-called personal representative of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in relation to Cuba.


Bangladesh: One Year After Garment Workers Upsurge

It was on 22 May 2006, that the flames of angry revolt were ignited and a massive upsurge brought out into the streets throughout the country hundreds of thousands of garment workers.


French Legislative Elections: A Strong Left Opposition to Sarkozy

The anti-social threats of the Sarkozy presidency, the prospect of a system of paying for medicines and the increase in VAT mobilized millions of voters. The Right won its majority but the dike held back the predicted 'blue tidal wave'.


Kucinich Comes to Take Back America

Kucinich opened with the need to cut off the money. He proposed simply not offering any more bills to fund the war. Kucinich won huge applause as he shouted about the troops coming home, the bases being closed, the oil being left to the Iraqi people.


Australia: Howard Government Knew About Torture and Rendition

On Monday evening last week, a documentary news program went to air on the Australian Broadcast Corporation containing material of a sort that used to bring down governments or at least cause some of their ministers and senior public servants to fall on their swords.


Atlanta: City Council Nixes Free Speech Zone Ordinance

The Atlanta City Council voted unanimously Monday to file an ordinance creating free speech zones, essentially killing the legislation.


Two Judges Tear Down Bush's Wall!

The Iraqi government isn't meeting their benchmarks (conditional demands that Iraq must meet in order to receive US funds to repair their US battered land) and President Bush isn't getting good response from the appellate bench in Richmond, VA either.


US to Afghans: “Sorry We Killed Your Children but It Couldn't be Helped”

Its getting harder and harder to believe U.S. government spokespersons when they imply that the killing of Afghan children is something we try to avoid.


Manifesto for the People of Cuba: They will never have Cuba

I hope that no one will say that I am gratuitously attacking Bush. Surely they will understand my reasons for strongly criticizing his policies.

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