The Supreme Court vs. Health Care Workers
The Supreme Court just ruled 9-0 this week that home health care workers aren't entitled to overtime pay under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, a significant blow to low wage workers generally.

Dems to Take Another Crack at Ending Bush's War for Oil
Bush doesn't want you to think about the war. He'd rather you think about immigration or Paris Hilton. FOX News is helping him out by refusing to report much about Iraq, despite Bush's claimed that it is the main front of the central struggle of the 21st century.

Nixon Ignored Subpoenas Too
Condoleezza Rice is refusing to comply with a subpoena to appear before Congress. The Justice Department is refusing to produce subpoenaed documents. Harriet Miers and Sara Taylor will almost certainly refuse to comply with subpoenas to appear.

Michael Moore, Nurses Take on 'Sicko' US Health System
Filmmaker Michael Moore came to the California state capitol in Sacramento to show a sneak preview of his film Sicko, and advocate for single payer health care reform.

Atlanta Progressive News Chats with US Rep. Kucinich on Impeaching Cheney
'More and more Members of Congress are becoming aware of the concerns of the American people to make sure the Constitution is protected,' US Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH).

Maize of Deception: How Corn-Based Ethanol Can Lead To Starvation and Environmental Disaster
As the Bush administration continues to push its alternative fuels agenda, it has become increasingly evident that corn-based ethanol could be as much the global villain as a boon to society.

Atlanta: Activists Defeat Paratransit Fare Changes for MARTA
MARTA’s Board of Directors voted Monday to preserve the Paratransit Fare Structure for fiscal year 2008, ending a standoff between the Board and the disabled community over a proposed alteration to the Paratransit Fare Structure.

Canada’s No-fly list which takes off this summer provides false sense of security
'Nothing personal sir, but your packages are not allowed on passenger airlines,' said a United Parcel Service customer service agent, sitting in an American call centre. She was explaining to me that my package could not be delivered on an 'early a.m.' basis from Toronto to Peterborough.

Fort Stewart Soldier, Blogger Goes AWOL, Objects to Iraq Deployment
'Just because we volunteered, doesn't mean we volunteered to throw our lives away for nothing. You can only push human beings so far,' Marc Train, 19, a soldier from America's heartland, stationed most recently in Fort Stewart, Georgia, says.

Father's Day, Peace, and Masculinity
While CODE PINK welcomes the participation of men (and when I'm in DC I stay at the CODE PINK house), the group is organized around the idea that women have a special role to play in working for peace. So, every once in a while I ask a bunch of Code Pinkers 'Why don't we have a group of Men for Peace?'