
Cuba Si, Imperialism No!

Chapter four of Gerald Horne’s important new book, Blows Against the Empire, is titled “Cuba Si, Yanqui No.” Although written before Fidel Castro stepped down, it shows that those who smugly state that “Communism is dead.”

Canada: StatsCan Confirms Income Gap Growing

During the so-called lengthy period of 'economic growth' before the present downturn, most working people in Canada were losing ground, and the gap between rich and poor continued to widen. That's the conclusion of Statistics Canada (StatsCan) figures just released from the 2006 census.


Book Review: The Race Beat

The gripping drama of the skillfully written narrative in The Race Beat by Gene Roberts and Hank Klibanoff reveals a generally untold angle of the civil rights movement: the press that covered it. Roberts is a veteran of the New York Times cadre of civil rights reporters, and Klibanoff is a Southern reporter.

Greening the College Campus

Microcosms of the world at large, college campuses are great test beds for environmental change, and many students are working hard to get their administrations to take positive action.

When Free Speech Doesn’t Come Free

Free speech is not without consequence. In the United States, for example, criticism of Israel is tantamount to heresy. Former US President Jimmy Carter felt a societal backlash last year after the release of his book, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, which condemned Israel’s apartheid-style policies in the occupied Palestinian territories.

U.S. government closes down European web sites promoting Cuba tourism

MADRID.—The U.S. government has closed down a number of Internet web sites operating from Spain, which belong to a British citizen resident in that country and are promoting tourism, as reported in the Madrid Público newspaper.

Bush, McCain are Responsible for Foreign Policy Failures

In a speech May 16 in Watertown, South Dakota, presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama rejected criticisms this week leveled by George Bush in the Israeli parliament about Obama's plans for a diplomatic surge to bring peace to Iraq, Iran and the Middle East.

What Would We Do Without Bush?

Well, of course, we'll criticize McCain or Obama, or maybe even praise something if Obama does something we approve of (which seems rather unlikely with McCain). Democracy requires eternal vigilance, and citizens of a democracy do NOT have a 'commander in chief.'

The War Machine: Or How to Manipulate Reality

Since 2002, the Pentagon has been seeking evidence that intimately relates President Chávez and his government with the FARC. Top secret documents from the Department of Defense (that we have declassified under FOIA) evidence that the Pentagon has been unable to find proof of a clandestine, subversive relationship between the Venezuelan government and the FARC.

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