

South American Protests: Bush Is the Most Hated Man in the History of the World?

There may be a collection of fifty or sixty million blue collar NASCAR dads, fascist Christians, neo-nazis, racists, greedy pig rich people who unpatriotically refuse to pay their fair share in taxes, and the corporate traitors to humanity and the planet... even to life itself, who prefer to support money over the environment, biodiversity and a world that supports humans.

Helping from the heart: Sacramento activist to the rescue of Katrina evacuees

RoLanda Wilkins is the national coordinator of the Birthing Project USA, the Sister/Friend Program, a national model for improving birth outcomes for African American women. There are 75 Birthing Projects across the United States. Working from a Birthing Project office in midtown Sacramento, RoLanda helped to bring baby and personal hygiene items and clothes in September to victims of Hurricane Katrina.

Iran: Regime's Adventurism Gives Imperialists an Excuse to Intervene

The deeply irresponsible comments made by Mahmood Ahmadi-Nejad, President of the regime of Velayat-e-faquih in Iran, on Wednesday October 26 about 'wiping Israel off the world map' has once again put Iran in a serious political crisis.

India and the Iran Vote in the IAEA

ndia’s vote in the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) against Iran in September came as no surprise to anyone who has followed closely the recent course of India’s foreign policy.

The Summit That Lost Its Way

Of all the contrasts likely to be witnessed at the start of tomorrow’s Summit of the Americas in Mar del Plata, Argentina, none may be as drastic as that of President Bush and his Argentine host, Néstor Kirchner.

Thousands Prepare Protest at School of the Americas

Pictures of abuse at the hands U.S. personnel and recent reports about secret CIA detention facilities have catapulted the controversial School of the Americas back into the public spotlight. Thousands around the country are preparing for a November 19-20 demonstration calling for the closure of the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, formerly known as the School of the Americas (SOA/ WHINSEC).

Kiss My Blank-ity, Blank, Blank, Prince Charles

The British Royal family doesn’t give two hoots about the downside of imperialist wars - the morbid consequences, the extreme human suffering. Indifference is the word. Greed and arrogance, the distinguishing qualities of centuries of royal rule, has gotten us into this current never-ending war mess.


Could a Slight Thaw in U.S.-Cuba Relations be in the Offing?

In an almost unprecedented move on October 28, Cuba publicly agreed to allow three USAID officials to visit the island to assess the recent heavy damage inflicted by Hurricane Wilma.

Iran: Dangerous Game that Imperialism and Reaction are Playing with our National Interest

George Bush accused the Islamic Republic of supporting terrorism. During his meeting with Jalal Talebani, the President of Iraq, Tony Blair claimed that the new wave of terrorist attacks in the southern Iraq was financed and militarily supported by circles linked to the Iranian regime. The spokesman for the US State Department, accused the leaders of the regime in Iran of deception and likened them to the Iraqi regime during Saddam’s era. This well-orchestrated propaganda campaign is not accidental or without significance.

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