Editors' Blog
The Inverted World of Niall Ferguson: On the Real Obama Doctrine by Thomas Riggins
Niall Ferguson teaches history at Harvard.
Niall Ferguson on Kissinger's World Order [Part One] by Thomas Riggins
A good book review both gives the gist of the book and allows you to decide if the book is worth reading or not.
Stewart Blogs on the Debate
Check out Stewart Acuff's website
Stewart Acuff Blogs on the Job Report
Stewart Acuff is former National Organizing Director for the AFL-CIO, and the most successful organizer in modern labor history.
Robert Parry: Bloice's Quote of the Day
Quote of the DaySeptember 11, 2012'With most political observers predicting a closeelection in November, the neocons hope that theycan ride back into power in Washington behind aPresident Romney and then resume their role as hisforeign policy foremen, advising the inexperiencedRomney much as they did the novice Bush.'In making a choice for President, therefore, theAmerican voters must realize that they are electingnot just the people on the ballot but a cast ofadvisers who come along with the winners.
Text of President Obama's Cleveland Speech on Jobs and Economy
I want to, first of all, thank Angela for her introduction and sharing her story. I know her daughter is very proud of her -- I know her daughter is here today. So give her a big round of applause. (Applause.) I want to thank your president, Dr. Jerry-Sue Thornton. ...
One Graph, 1000 Words: Why Obama’s 2012 Bid Is Uphill
via Carl Davidson
Thoughts on the Occupy Movement
Reposted from the Peoples Weekly World
Terror threat on 10yr anniversary of 9/11 goes unheeded
Sorry I have been away so long, my faithful followers.