Imperialism, Globalization and the Struggle for Socialism

12-10-05, 9:47 am

From the Tudeh Party's presentation at the International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties conference on 'Current Trends In Capitalism: Economic, Social and Political Impact. The Communists' Alternative,' Athens, 18-20 November, 2005

The topic of this discussion opens up the possibility of a creative and illuminating exchange of views about the consequences of the onslaught by forces of capitalism for working people across the world and independent countries. It is a fact that international developments of the past two decades, the domination of a single super-power and the imposition of the 'New World Order' have created certain issues in relation to the conditions in which we struggle. Ignoring these issues is neither possible nor advisable. This is in line with our Marxist approach that always advise us to tackle phenomenon as they are and not as what we wish them to be.

Documents adopted by the Central Committee of our party have analysed the characteristic of the current period as one of continuation of the offensive of neo conservatives, apologists of neo-liberalism and growth of militarism from one hand and the concrete strengthening of the resistance movement and struggle of the people on the other hand. Imperialist Offensive

At these early years of the third millennium, we are still witnessing the widespread and destructive onslaught of imperialism.

In the economic arena; we are witnessing the increasing gap between rich countries and the developing world. The non-stop and accelerated expansion of capitalist 'globalisation', as it opens up the markets and resources of the world to capitalism for exploitation, is taking away the possibility of independent development from them. While the capitalist conglomerates are getting fatter with astronomical profits, the salaries and work benefits of the laboring masses are shrinking. Oppression is on the rise, and freedoms and social rights are being restricted.

In the political arena; the orchestrated attack against the sovereignty and independence of countries is the main identifier of the current developments in the world. This onslaught that began following the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre on 11th September 2001 has taken a new meaning and has intensified. In the past few years it has manifested itself under the cover of the war on terrorism, and is in fact the main focus of United States' international diplomacy. The war on Iraq and the occupation of that country in March 2003 have initiated a new and dangerous phase in the imperialist offensive to gain world hegemony.

US Imperialism, by exploiting the terrorist attacks of September 11 (condemned unanimously by all workers communist movements and progressive forces) has organized an all out offensive to enforce its hegemony over the world. Conservative and repressive circles of the US capitalism, who closely direct the government, systematically and by totally utilizing the superior military and economic power of that country, and the imbalance of international forces after the collapse of socialism in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, have embarked on this journey.

What is clear now and has been acknowledged not only by the progressive and left-wing parties, but also by the most informed political personalities of the capitalist world is that this onslaught was not accidental, but was part of the 'United States National Security Strategy' framework, that was written in 2002, and that itself was based on a similar document prepared 10 years earlier by the current advisors of President Bush. Based on this, one can say that the major direction of the changes in the world today coincides with direction of efforts that were made by the US government in 1991 during the presidency of George Bush Sr. to enforce the 'new world order'.

International hostilities, ignoring international institutions, unlimited and worldwide pre-emptive wars, and pressuring the nations to accept this 'new order' are all signs of the new phase of changes that began in 2001. Countries that do not accept to submit to this policy are labelled 'rogue states'. If President Bush placed Iraq, Iran, and North Korea among those countries in the beginning of his first term, in the past few years we are seeing the addition of Cuba, Syria, Zimbabwe, Burma, and Belarus to that list. The disruptive and provocative policies of the US against Venezuela are signs that this country is also placed on top of that list.

Greater Middle East Plan

The special attention paid by the US and its NATO allies to the Middle East are among significant signs of the transformations of the world in the past years. Imperialism has long been working to gain complete control in this sensitive region of the world that contains essential resources of energy and also untapped markets. In the period after the fall of the Soviet Union, which was a serious and strategic obstacle in the way of imperialism plans for the region, the efforts of US and its allies have gained new dimensions.

The Middle East, due to its important strategic location, is of great importance to the plans of imperialism. The ruling conservatives in Washington have for a long time planned changing the political map of the region, and the fact that the first regional WTO conference was held in Amman the capital of Jordan in 1994, was not accidental.

The plan of 'Greater Middle East' should be considered as the continuation of imperialist attempts for colonially controlling this region. This plan contains all key points of imperialist attempts.

The aim of the planned efforts of US Imperialism is not as they are portrayed in the media, to 'spread democracy and human rights', but to guarantee political control of this sensitive region for that country and enable it to benefit from its enormous oil reserves while subduing its economic rivals.

What is important to understand at this point is that the US has turned its sights squarely on the Middle East. The control of some of the countries in the region by the US, on one hand enable it to gain access to those oil reserves, and on the other hand give it crucial geographic control over a region that is the connecting bridge among the countries in the mentioned region. These countries are in the best position to transfer their oil and gas reserves to the west and because of this, the US can even put pressure on its rival imperialist countries by having complete control over the extraction and prices of oil. Iran

Under the pretext of war against terror and the spread of democracy, the US administration is attempting to rally international support for its policy against Iran. Another round of dangerous brinkmanship between Washington's neo-conservative and Iran's ruling dictatorship is underway.

Iran has one of the largest reserves of crude oil and natural gas in the world and with a population of a nearly 70 million is the biggest country and market in the Middle East. Therefore it is reasonable to deduce that the future control of Iran would form the basis of the Middle East strategy pursued by the Washington's neo-conservatives. Already the economy of Iran is being restructured on the basis of American led neo-liberal economic model. Under the Islamic Republic a powerful, parasitic and highly corrupt mercantile capitalist class has emerged that would do anything to support its own narrow interests. This is an important element in bolstering US tactics in Iran. In any case, the economic interest of the US is the main driver behind its Middle East strategy. It is important to point out that the US administration is playing a sophisticated game with the regime in Iran. Despite the rhetoric, the Iranian regime provided significant assistance to US forces in their military interventions in both Afghanistan and Iraq.

Historically and politically, developments in Iran have significantly influenced direction of events in the region. Consequently it is natural to assume that the regional hegemony of the US would be largely dependent on the way that Iran's political developments pan out. Therefore the growing movement for democracy in Iran, not only poses a real threat to the ruling theocratic regime - at the same time it could be a direct challenge to the strategic US policy towards Iran.

This context governs the recent standoff between the US and Iran. The Tudeh Party of Iran (TPI) has made it very clear that it is firmly against any external interference in the internal affairs of the country under any pretext. The party alongside all the progressive forces in the region seeks a Middle East free of weapons of mass destruction in any shape or form. But the TPI points out that while right-wing pro- US governments such as Sharon's in Israel and the Pakistan military dictatorship are building stockpiles of nuclear weapons with the financial and technical assistance of US and other imperialist powers in our region, the focus of world attention on Iran's nuclear policy is not only a clear double standard but a cynical ploy and political brinkmanship in line with US plans for a 'Greater Middle East.'

The fact is that Iran's nuclear industry is used as a dangerous bargaining tool by both the US and Iran's ruling dictatorship. The Bush administration's discredited record on Saddam's WMD points to a similar pattern regarding Iran's perceived nuclear threat. This issue forms the basis of the regime's dangerous and unsustainable foreign policy in gaining international support. Internally the nuclear issue is used to heighten nationalistic sentiments in order to overshadow the regime's massive unpopularity. As the Tudeh Party of Iran stated in its May 2005 plenum: 'along with the other progressive and patriotic forces of our country, we defend the rights of our country to access and benefit from these resources [nuclear]. Therefore we agree with those policies that can assure these rights. Clearly the pressures exerted by the Americans and its allies must be resisted. And through mobilisation of public opinion, adoption of transparent policy and compliance with the IAEA for non-military use of nuclear power, the military policies in the region and in particular those that are aimed towards Iran should be defused.'

The furor created as a result of irresponsible comments made by the President of the regime in October 26 is a clear example of the regime's behaviour. Although all progressive and democratic forces of Iran roundly condemned this foolish and vain posturing, nevertheless the damage was done. These comments were contrary to the norm in international politics and for this very reason it was predictable that the United States and its EU allies would take advantage of Iran's stance and orchestrate a comprehensive campaign against Iran. It is clear that the stance of Ahmadi-Nejad and his advisers can further increase Iran's international isolation, and seriously threaten our country's independence.

We believe that given the immense problems that the new government is facing within Iran and with the knowledge that it cannot fulfill its election promises of improvements in the living conditions of the working people, the regime is attempting to divert public attentions from a deep internal crisis. It would in the meantime intensify the persecution of the opposition and reformist movement.

Obviously, if the regime perseveres with its irresponsible policies and repeats its recent aggressive posturing, and its inflexibility regarding constructive negotiations with the UN and its affiliate organizations, there is a serious possibility of sanctions being imposed and Iran's case being taken before the Security Council.

We consider respect for the statutes and resolutions of UN and its affiliate organizations, such as the IAEA, ILO and the Human Rights Commission as to be necessary for guaranteeing the security and sovereignty of Iran in the present conditions.

The democratic and progressive forces opposing the ruling dictatorship, strongly reject any sort of foreign intervention in Iran. The Bush administration is attempting to create changes in Iran that are in line with its strategic interest. Military attack by the forces of US-Israel is not the only danger faced by the people of Iran. The overall strategy of Bush administration, masquerading as spreading freedom through the plan for a 'Greater Middle East' should be exposed and opposed.

Our party along with the other progressive forces are also struggling for change. But these are fundamental socio-political changes that are at the heart of the aspirations of the people. The popular movement for freedom and democracy in Iran needs and deserves the active support and solidarity of all those that oppose US aggression, and who strive for peace and progress.


The growth of militarism in the world, especially aggressive policies and those relying on the military might of the US have clear implications for the world based on their outcomes with respect to the changes in the world.

In the past few decades, the increasing influence of the giant military corporations has worked to increase the strategic influence of the military-industrial complex in the political life of the United States.

It is estimated that in 2003, the three largest weapons manufacturers 'Lockheed Martin', 'Boeing', and 'Raytheon' had contracts worth over 30 billion dollars with the Pentagon. This means that for every 4 dollars assigned to the defense sector, from the manufacture of the missiles to the service sector, over 1 dollar was for the activities of these powerful complexes.

The strategic influence of these conglomerates means that the major policies of the US government cannot be made without considering the interests of the military-industrial complex. Similarly, this aspect of the economic system of the US has to be considered that this country was only able to overcome the economic hardships of 1999-2001 with the help of military production and the growth of military-industrial complexes, and this means that the economic life of this country is intimately tied to militarism.

Imperialism in Europe is concentrating all its efforts in creating a political and economic pole strong enough to compete with the United States. These efforts have created a uniform economy over the 25 member countries, but on the other hand are working to create the best conditions for getting the highest value for the exclusive European capital.

All the EU agreements, from the Rome and Maastricht accords to Lisbon and Gutenberg, include the free movement of capital, goods, and conversion of services to goods and the creation of a union of countries that function in the form of a unified economy, directed from a central political-economic unit. The motivation behind the creation of this 'freedom of movement of capital' was the founding of a European market along with various agreements including the now weightless constitution of EU.

For ordinary citizens, this event means that large capital has the right to move freely and unhindered, sanctioned by their elected governments and based on the democracy of Europe. And now these citizens are seriously questioning the validity of EU. Along that, there is the truth that sooner or later, the actions of large European corporations will face the actions of organized workers.

For example, there is a growing resistance by workers' unions against the directives of EU for chopping up and privatizing national railroads and public property all over Europe.

The Left has to consider that the main aim of the EU in 'closer cooperation' and 'the free movement of capital, goods, services and workforce' is only to supply the needs of the major capitalist companies. Thus, it comes as no surprise that the powerful capitalist institutions, by participating in the assembly of industry and European industrialists, will force the passing of most laws through using pressure groups and political brokering in this unelected union.

For A Progressive Alternative

In the recent years, following the imposition of the economic adjustment programs on poor countries, which have had negative and destructive effects, trade problems have increased. The plans of the IMF, has forced the borrower countries to reduce or completely cut off subsidies to local producers, privatize public services such as electricity, water, gas, telephone, etc, and open internal markets to international producers and brokers.

What is important is that the partisans of the anti capitalist 'globalization' movement are increasingly taking sides against the imperialist campaigns against the socialist countries. This is on the one hand due to the disclosure of the reactionary and war mongering nature of the ruling neo-liberal policies and the socialist gains despite difficult world situation on the other.

Peoples' and toilers' struggle for peace and against imperialist 'globalization' implemented through World Trade Organization, World Bank, and International Monetary Fund, is gaining ground. The progressive forces struggle in this great movement, which has been termed 'the movement of the movements', is geared towards building a global union to stamp the capitalist 'globalization' onslaught. People in the capitalist countries have found by experience the results of the neo-liberalism are deepening poverty, growing unemployment, and neo-colonial policies.

What Should be Done?

In the current difficult world conditions, the task of the progressive forces, along with resistance against the capitalist onslaught, is to gather forces and create a front of anti neo-liberalist, anti 'globalization', and anti war forces. The message of this front stems from the concrete analysis of the antagonisms and developments in the world and is geared towards describing the need for united struggle and safeguarding the future of this struggle. The activists within this struggle gain strength from the growing struggle of the workers and toilers in every corner of the world. Nowhere in the world toiling masses have ceased struggling for a more just and free future. It is paramount today that not only capitalism is not capable of resolving the working peoples' problems but has added to them and has imposed a grave economic, social, and cultural situation on them, which is the cause of wider injustice, inequality and cultural reversal. Six decades after the end of the devastating World War II, the neo-liberalist aggression has made the chance of a world war ever increasing and has confronted the future of the humanity with serious danger. We can not but see these perilous outcomes the direct results of the structural, systematic, and natural crisis of capitalism. It is precisely for this reason that the progressive movement in the world has raised the banner for structural and anti-monopoly reforms and put the movement towards socialism as a necessary and natural alternative at the top of its agenda. The struggle for peace is again on the agenda of the workers and progressive forces of the world.

The victory over capitalism requires the active and conscious presence of the workers and all working people. The left and revolutionary forces in the world have a unique responsibility in inducing this necessary consciousness amongst people. And this task also rests on revolutionary unity and the strengthening of the communist workers parties in different countries and cooperation and international solidarity amongst them. Tudeh Party of Iran believes in maintaining and strengthening her historical ties with this international movement and creating the widest supporting umbrella for our people's struggle for peace, fundamental reforms, and social justice.