Articles > May 2010
May 2010

Global Warming Causes Snowstorms?
EarthTalk® From the Editors of E/The Environmental Magazine Dear EarthTalk: The U.S. got socked with several major storms this past winter.

‘The Internet is a Game Changer’ - A Paperless World
The debate is no longer confined to a few academics in distant universities.

17,000 people in ‘human chain’ call for removal of Futenma base
Original sourceOn May 16, about 17,000 people braved the strong winds and rain to surround the U.S. Marine Corps Futenma Air Station with a “human chain,” calling for the removal of the base and opposing its relocation within Okinawa.Participants held up placards and banners that read, “Never accept a new U.S. base at Henoko! Prime Minister Hatoyama, keep your promise!”Leaders of seven municipalities, including Ginowan City Mayor Iha Yoichi and Nago’s Inamine Susumu, for the first time took part in the “human chain” action.

Time of Day
When asked what time it was, Yogi Berra responded, "You mean, right now?"For those who are involved in politics, the question is "What's the political time of day, like right now?" What's happening in this country on the large scale? What's the Obama Administration trying to do? What are its internal limitations and its external constraints? And what should progressives be trying to accomplish?When, during the election campaign, Obama said that he admired Reagan for having captured the mood of the country and shifting the governance of the country according to that mood, I don't believe that he was conveying his approval of the character of the changes.
In run-up to BP spill, media touted offshore safety
Media AdvisoryDrilling Disasters Can't Happen HereIn run-up to BP spill, media touted offshore safety5/25/10As the United States examines the origins of the environmental catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico, one factor that should not be overlooked is media coverage that served to cover up dangers rather than expose them.

Arizona Law Highlights Need for Meaningful Reform
Most Americans want immediate action on comprehensive immigration reform, new polling data revealed this week.

Class and Race in the US Labor Movement: The Case of the Packinghouse Workers
Racism and the Labor MovementHistoric connections between organized labor and African Americans have been problematic.
Hundreds of Union Janitors Fired Under Pressure From Feds
Original source: Truthout.orgSan Francisco, California – Federal immigration authorities have pressured one of San Francisco's major building service companies, ABM, into firing hundreds of its own workers.