Pass the Employee Free Choice Act


57 million workers in the US say they would join a union if they could. But they can't because companies use threats and harassment to stop them.

Unions are crucial for workers to band together to improve their pay, benefits and their dignity on the job.

The current system of recognizing unions simply doesn't work. It sides with employers who refuse to bargain with their employees. Unfortunately, federal agencies designated to oversee labor relations too often overlook illegal anti-union activities by employers or aren't equipped with proper authority and penalties to prevent employers from threatening or firing workers when they say they want a union in their workplace.

The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) would make the situation more fair by give workers the choice of whether to use a majority sign-up or secret ballot process in choosing the union

The law would also strengthen penalties on employers who use illegal threats against or punishment of workers to stop them from joining unions.

In addition, the law would eliminate federal red tape that slows the union certification process.

It is simple, in an era of recession with declining wages and benefits, workers in the US need to join together to improve their living standards and their public voice. Unions are the best way to do that.

EFCA is one tool to help working families to improve their lives.

Use this link to send a message to Congress to pass the EFCA.