US Economic Policy Faces a Defiant Planet
As President Obama begins his first European tour this week, starting with the G20 economic summit, he's finding that much of the rest of the world has suddenly become quite uppity.
Editorial: Congress Passes Obama Budget, Struggle Starts Today
Both the House and Senate passed federal budget outlines for fiscal year 2010 on Thursday, April 2, which were mainly in keeping with President Obama's priorities.
GOP Budget Little More than 'Talking Points,' Says White House
Producing an alternative to the Obama budget plan has been something of a fiasco for congressional Republicans. They began in February by debating the scope of the Obama budget, criticizing the spending growth and inherited deficits as if President Obama created the problems facing the country.
G-20: Uncertainty and Cuba
The G-20, made up of the most economically developed and emerging nations, which represent some 90 percent of the global GDP, 80 percent of world trade and two-thirds of the population, will hold a summit on April 2nd in London.
'We the People' to 'King of the World': 'YOU'RE FIRED!'
Nothing like it has ever happened. The President of the United States, the elected representative of the people, has just told the head of General Motors -- a company that's spent more years at #1 on the Fortune 500 list than anyone else -- 'You're fired!'
The Problem of Transition: Development, Socialism and Lenin's NEP
Socialism can be defined as a phase of social-economic development during which ever-larger numbers of people in society are increasingly empowered to collectively control the direction of their lives through the process of incrementally crafting new democratic means of ownership and institutions for running the economy and other areas of social life.

Battle for the Budget: Can the People Change Washington?
Taking the first bold steps to reverse the Bush administration's budget priorities, President Barack Obama – with the support of the labor movement and other progressive groups – is pushing hard for passage of his first budget for 2010.