Tea Bag This: Historic Working Families Tax Cuts Take Effect
The size and scope of new tax breaks for working families implemented as part of President Obama's economic stimulus package are historic.
Good Thoughts at the Goodwill
While shopping at the Goodwill resale store in Seattle, Washington this past winter, I thought for sure that I had experienced one of those moments of great intellectual clarity. For the life of me, I cannot remember what those moments are called, but the passage of time and the swirl of work related distractions have not dimmed the vision.
Restore Tax Fairness: Tax the Rich
President Barack Obama campaigned on and has already implemented the largest tax cut for working families in US history. On April 1st, the Treasury Department revised its rules to make sure that 95 percent of workers will keep an extra $400 per year and working-class households will keep $800 per year.
Notes on Free Trade, Manufacturing and Service Occupations and Agitators
Recent controversies over the 'Buy American' slogans advanced by the Steelworkers Union (and the Steel companies) in fighting for all purchases by the stimulus be to US producers – have also given rebirth to long-standing debates about globalization and 'free trade.'
Should Bank Executives Apply for Unemployment Insurance?
I recently signed a petition sponsored by to fire Ken Lewis, the CEO of the Bank of America. The petition was obviously inspired by the Obama administration’s removal of the President of General Motors.
Atlanta: Community Forum Addresses Foreclosures, Predatory Lending
ATLANTA - Several dozen Atlantans gathered at the First Iconium Baptist Church in East Atlanta Saturday, April 04, 2009, to hear expert testimony on and ask questions about home foreclosures and predatory lending.
Socialism has failed. Now capitalism is bankrupt. So what comes next?
The 20th century is well behind us, but we have not yet learned to live in the 21st, or at least to think in a way that fits it. That should not be as difficult as it seems, because the basic idea that dominated economics and politics in the last century has patently disappeared down the plughole of history.
EPA in the Business of Economic Recovery
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) allocated close to $300 million this week in funds appropriated through the economic stimulus package passed last February. Those funds have been sent to states for 'shovel ready' environmental clean-up projects and the agency's 'clean diesel' program.
Light at the End of the Unemployment Line?
As funds from President Obama's economic stimulus package begin to arrive in the states and new investments in infrastructure and job-saving programs start to flow, does new data from the Department of Labor suggest that the dismal unemployment situation may be turning a corner?
Obama’s Budget Moves in Right Direction, Needs to Go Further
President Obama's fiscal year 2010 budget proposes an ambitious and exciting agenda that invests in our nation's future. His budget substantially invests in the long-deferred and vital areas of health care reform, clean energy, and education. The President partially pays for these investments though a mixture of progressive tax changes and other revenue measures.